Most surveys put the number of homosexual Catholic priests somewhere between 15% and 60%. Informed observers, (such as the psychologists who treat them), put it higher for the bishops and cardinals. Since the Vatican consists of bishops, cardinals, and wannabe bishops climbing the career ladder, 80% would not be shocking. The situation is compounded by the fact that Italy is a hotbed of organized crime families whose members have always sought to suborn clerics to use in their schemes and that, in certain respects, there isn't much difference between the criminals and the Vatican bureaucrats. So even if a gay priest is celibate and chaste in his home diocese, when he goes to Rome the coke-fueled orgies are just too tempting. There was even one crazy example of (presumably bisexual) man who fucked girls before entering seminary, switched to dudes in seminary, and then quit the Church to go back to women. So sometimes it might be like prison. Some of these dudes may not even be gay, but they started seminary in their early teens and kinda went Spartan warrior. Who knows?