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Everything posted by Apep

  1. Anyone ever surprised that there isn’t a fiber optic penis attachment to get a penis-eye view through your metaverse goggles? Seems like something the peggers would love.
  2. I was also thinking dead or in jail.
  3. Same here. I remember having a couple of a Max Headroom t-shirts.
  4. It does look good. But some of that fan service looks like a ripoff of Vox Machina. Not that there aren’t other influences.
  5. Looks like a knockoff of Vox Machina.
  6. I accidentally left it at 79 last night. Didn’t have trouble sleeping.
  7. If they run into each other, they won’t acknowledge each other vocally. There will be subtle looks and remarks.
  8. Apep

    The Boys

    The show or in an octopus?
  9. Clone Troopers vs. Storm Troopers. They are not the same.
  10. She’s 50 years old. If you look at an early headshot from her 20s, Rhea is better than average to nice-looking. She’s pulling off playing a woman ten or more years her junior. Mexico may have been the first time he was out and in love. The later Fring would then be an overreaction to his “lack of control”.
  11. Apep


    I have a thing for redheads, too. Khandi and it isn’t a contest.
  12. The hyperspace capable space whale was…have any of y’all read the novelization of RoTJ? Leia’s “do it for the trees” speech to the Ewoks? If we’re being honest, it was cool because it was a kids’ series, but it was worse than Leia’s speech. A convenient device to get Ezra lost.
  13. Apep

    The Wire

    Draper and Peggy were the main characters. It’s true that Don didn’t grow as a character in that regard. Unlike the many other womanizing men in the show, we got to see his internal development through flashbacks, why he was a womanizer (and many other things). His lack of growth in this dimension was kind of the point. And the other romantic relationships were also kind of the point, that a pre-modern office was a meat market.
  14. It wasn’t BtVS’ singing demon episode, but it beats the hell out of ST:TNG’s Robin Hood.
  15. Night Queen. Dragons return with whores. They were in Valeria this whole time.
  16. Is she already on one or two of your credit cards to get her score up? Getting her on Credit Karma or Nerd Wallet and working through their suggestions is probably the easiest route.
  17. It was a good episode, but I saw a tweet from Seth MacFarlane that ruined it for me. He said it would be very trippy or something like that. I was expecting an X-Files Jose Chung level of weirdness. With that framing, it fell quite short.
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