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Everything posted by Apep

  1. It was a good episode, but I saw a tweet from Seth MacFarlane that ruined it for me. He said it would be very trippy or something like that. I was expecting an X-Files Jose Chung level of weirdness. With that framing, it fell quite short.
  2. She’s 42. The age of two faces.
  3. it’s concerning, but the possibility they’re letting the Russians tie their own noose is not insignificant.
  4. This lawyer’s thread has sprawled out of control and now has like 100 parts. Can’t believe more Surlsters don’t work there. Lines of blow in the office? All-night raves?
  5. https://www.goingconcern.com/the-irs-is-paying-an-unwelcome-visit-to-alliantgroup/ UPDATE 4] The ABC affiliate in Houston reported just before 2 p.m. CT that Houston field office FBI agents at the scene confirmed the IRS field investigations team was conducting a court-ordered criminal investigation at the building that houses Alliantgroup’s offices. No arrests have been made as of now. https://casetext.com/case/univ-of-tex-sys-v-alliantgroup-lp
  6. It is more likely she is in hiding. Jimmy is still barred in BB. I can’t think of a reason where they couldn’t communicate if she was in prison. Can’t represent Kim because he is a witness? Lawyers, help out.
  7. I won’t say the last ep was good. The minimal Jurati screen time helped. But the ep, overall, occupied that warmed over, bland space just above mediocrity, a Chilis without a bar.
  8. Unemployment in Texas after resigning is possible.
  9. I couldn’t finish the ep. Not sure whose bright idea it was for a two-hour premiere on a Monday night with commercials. Shit. I struggle to watch the DVR’d recordings of 30-60 minute shows from Wednesdays and Thursdays by the next week.
  10. I don’t look forward to each week’s new episode of Picard. As bad as Discovery can be, at least they’re trying new things.
  11. I was the guy who had bad luck with Baratza. The first one I managed to break off the little plastic pieces while cleaning and the second appears to have been a lemon, jamming up bad after one cycle. I don’t have any problems with a manual grinder, so I’m sticking to that or something with blades for the time being.
  12. My 18 year-old son was recently diagnosed with depression. He moved to his college dorm in the fall and, after three weeks, basically stopped communicating with anyone and stopped going to classes. Now that he is home and seeing a psychologist he is getting better. Part of it feels like something both my wife and my mom have observed in their classrooms: Many young people got stuck during COVID. While my son seemed to be doing well, he was burnt out and a year-and-a-half of virtual classes left him the same age mentally/emotionally as he went into the pandemic. He was frozen in time. My wife says many of her sixth graders are stuck as third graders, their last full, normal year. My mom sees the same thing with her high school classes.
  13. Yeah. The $200-300 version that goes under the flat sheet, not the $1000 version with a fan and cooling and heating pads that goes under the fitted sheet.
  14. Skip the cooling mattress and just get a Bedfan and a good mattress. It’s a game-changer for only $2-300.
  15. I’m struggling with this season. The ideas are there, but the stories are not playing to the actors’ strengths. They’ve sapped the grit out of the captain. The treatment of the general borders on minstrel-like.
  16. One thing that ST is doing better than SW is not skipping weeks between different series. We don’t really need a breather.
  17. Meh. Can’t really say much about the new ep. It was all too conveniently quick. Not enough emotion from the right characters and too much from the wrong characters.
  18. https://nypost.com/2022/02/10/texas-man-sleeping-with-his-sister-kills-her-after-she-has-sex-with-another-man/ Dude didn’t know he had a sister in Guatemala. Meets her as an adult. They start fucking. He kills her with a baseball bat and I’m guessing a magic wand when she cheats on him.
  19. I’m thinking Rodriguez would have done better if this was not live-action. I think that was what he was going for, an homage to Rebels and Clone Wars and it didn’t work out.
  20. No. My son taught me a four-word opening sequence that makes it really easy.
  21. Apep


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