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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MonkeyDoughnut

  1. I do like on his website if you go to unknown page you get Cruz going on vacation...
  2. I still like it, but it's not as good. After their food safety concerns a few years back they stopped doing everything fresh at each location and centralized a lot of the food prep, especially around meats. It's just not as tasty now. Might pick up once or twice a year now.
  3. if your have a bunch of claims your rates are going to be high everywhere... where USAA started going wrong for me is they started gouging the long term members who didn't have any claims and were lower risk.
  4. Both of them will have jobs quickly.
  5. If you're a long time USAA customer and haven't shopped around you are likely paying thousands more each year than what you could be paying. Loyalty comes at a price and you're the one paying it.
  6. When Starbucks stopped having drip coffee and went Vertica "instant" brew I gave up any thought of every going again. Didn't care for it but might go in an airport or such in a pinch. Now... no chance. Just tells you how little actual "coffee" they were selling. Everything is a calorie bomb drink now.
  7. I expect a top 3 RB recruit to be really good, so Heisman it is.
  8. Guess people getting tired of IBRX... after yesterdays news... pretty uneventful it seemed... stock tanked 15% today... sitting at $3.76
  9. That random odd pleasure guys get digging a hole can also be found in filling a hole. I keep waiting for this thread to turn unexpectantly.
  10. I don't know about weather, but they have imported the violent crime issues for a small town that it is.
  11. Yeah, I don't know about a startup using a breath test when blood tests are so common and way more accurate now. Not sure of the market for it.... so will only invest on first day and get out on Friday.
  12. Yeah, limited volume too. Not sure what to make of all of it yet. It's really too early for sales data. Need next couple quarters to show something.
  13. That has to be a opponents recruiting note for anyone mentioning if Georgia/Smart cares about academics at all. You would almost need counseling help in how not to get a degree in that time.
  14. Bought these two items at HEB and they are both outstanding
  15. I can see why this is a one time thing and not going to be part of 2028 or 2032 at least.... I don't see it returning.
  16. Just caught up... man I didn't realize this was an 8 episode season... fully expected the next 2 episodes.... What a letdown for a season finale.
  17. I don't know if we are or not, but if I'm going to through big money at a DT, I'm waiting and doing right before they sign. Those guys seem to really like the last minute NIL dance and flip.
  18. Can't wait to see how holds up on game threads, but this is a very nice addition.
  19. He hasn't even had his first signing class at Texas yet. It just might be a little early to pass judgement on the guy. He hasn't lost any potential recruits to other programs "yet".
  20. I don't know how Boeing continues to get future space funding after this. Way to many failures stacked up at this point. I'm for taking their allotment and spreading across a bunch of startups.
  21. At this point everything on the list is just a future burden you are putting on your son. Get rid of it while you are able to so he doesn't have to.
  22. Also one place that being a 'childless cat lady' makes quite the difference on the personal finance front
  23. Next flight a women is going to be sitting next to a man and the man is going to be thinking like "ohh... she wanted to sit by a man so...".
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