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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MonkeyDoughnut

  1. Man I'm torn on this one. I'm a huge "movie" Costner fan, pretty much love all his movies. I'd probably rate this one last of all his though. Had great visuals, cinematography, but just too many cliche frontier story lines. Nothing really grabbed me. I'll still see the rest, but maybe my hopes/expectations were too high on this one.
  2. Noticed aggy media like to use the word "elite" a lot. I'm not sure they understand what that means.
  3. Can't stop laughing at Aggies, especially at aggy mom who can't handle the success a coach finally brought to their team. It's like they are allergic to hard work and on field success. No wonder their culture is so engrained in mediocrity.
  4. Are you in Texas? Insured in Texas? I'm finding Texas passed HB999 in Sept 2023 which specifically outlaws this practice in Texas. It was done last years session and is effective beginning with plans delivered or renewed on or after Jan 1, 2024. Bill link: https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/billtext/pdf/HB00999I.pdf#navpanes=0 So maybe some relief coming if you are??
  5. Sounds like you have a copay accumulator as part of your insurance. It seems to be a legal limbo area currently. Was originally set to allow insurnace to do what they are currently doing to you and not count against out-of-pocket maximums ONLY IF there was a generic version available. Rule apparently changed to just allow insurers to use it anytime they felt like it (enacted during Trump admin). There is bipartisal support to go back to original ruling limiting its use, but currently left up to insurers. Here is a long legal explanation on the state of things where I pulled the info from: https://www.maynardnexsen.com/publication-more-developments-on-copay-accumulator-programs-as-biden-administration-drops-appeal-of-vacated-rule#:~:text=Copay accumulators are programs wherein,e.g.%2C discount cards%2C coupons%2C Long story short... currently there is no benefit to you other than delays your initial payment a couple months. Over the course of the year it doesn't benefit you. (and is completely against the entire purpose/need of the copay assistance)
  6. Yep... I feel similar this go around. GOP runs Trump because they feel he's the only one who can beat Biden. If Biden decided not to run (early on), I'm not sure Trump is their candidate.
  7. Difference is behind Trump is Trump 2.0... Trump 3.0... they keep coming. Dems never needed to be perfect against Trump, all they need is to avoid being a disaster. They are getting awfully close to their "hold my beer" finale.
  8. My money is on he'll forget he said this by dinner
  9. You pull all support and basically inform him he's putting himself over country and that's how he'll be forever remembered. No way he'd be ok with that. Someone in his inner circle can convince him.
  10. Not a chance. Polls have already indicated it was a concern for people. I'd expect the DNC itself to orchestrate some polls showing a much larger lead to make replacement an easier option.
  11. I mean we now have Chuck Todd of all people talking panic, replacement... This isn't like 4yrs ago and it's not nothing
  12. We already did once. We're about to do it again it appears. This should be a slam dunk election for the Democratic Party but here we are. They can't even put up a candidate to beat a rapist, fascist, felon and traitor. It 100% matters who the candidate is. The election started with it being about Trump, right now it's all about Biden.
  13. You have to convince him to step aside. This has to happen soon. No one wants to see him go out this way and get beat in November. As of now that is all but guaranteed. Every single network after debate show is talking about if he'll step aside.
  14. Are they reading teleprompters? Biden staring without blinking in same direction.
  15. Biden can't have another debate yet I don't know how he wins without one.
  16. I'm actually concerned for his health. Damn.. Trump line..I don't know what he said..mi don't know he knows what he said.... That will be played hourly on Fox
  17. There is old and there is old. Watching this, age is definitely a HUGE problem for Biden
  18. https://www.fairparkdallas.com/connect/host-an-event Never seen a tailgate at Fair Park, but maybe it had already been stolen/robbed by time I got there. You want a Private Party event inside the gates.
  19. Opens up guys who can coach but can't recruit as well to play a more significant role in player development. I think its a win for teams and players... at least the ones that can afford it.
  20. So any new updates regarding Jonah Williams now that Schloss is at Texas? Thought being able to play baseball was big part of the A&M draw for him. https://247sports.com/player/jonah-williams-46130910/
  21. Aggy had to know this was coming when Bjork left. The writing was on the wall. Alberts cost cutting measures just sealed the deal. It's either a stepping stone place for younger coaches or a lucrative retirement gig for coaches that the sports has passed them by. They will always have to overpay and over spend. They figured that out and adjusted their enrollment accordingly years ago.
  22. Don't like this info from the European model... next couple days will be interesting... it's got a Harvey-esce track right now... no bueno
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