Early 50's have been rough. Been running casually for years nothing serious, just enjoyable, typically doing Houston half marathon each year, did my 2nd full marathon in 2022... that summer had my first cancer scare, after a couple surgies for removal and reconstruction... was just mentally out of it for about year and didn't do much other than walking dogs, mowing lawn etc. Got back to lifting and running in March but for life of me couldn't get my running going again. Couldn't jog at almost walking pace for more than a minute or two... knew something was up, went to cardiologist to have checked out. Came back abnormal on treadmill test. Now I'm on beta blocker, statin and low dose aspirin and they are hoping to get me in for a coronary angiogram asap. Guess all those carbs and red meat years ago catching up to me now. As bonus.. I've got appt with my dermatologist as wife spotted another "suspect" mole that needs checking out first time putting on lotion to enjoy the pool.....