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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MonkeyDoughnut

  1. ESPN going to tell us why Heisman front runner out of the game?
  2. Banks and now Ewers..... Not good Bob....not good
  3. I was thinking he doesn't play football.
  4. This team has leveled up from last year. Effort everywhere.
  5. Refs not Napier fan either
  6. Napier is bad at football but great at life. He's decreasing his time before buyout and planning how he'll send his $26M+
  7. My God that's an awful call. Might be worst ever called on a meaningless play
  8. Texags already throw Weigman out like King, Johnson and Calzada before him... On to the next, they're back
  9. Mizzou calls a run play on 2nd and FIFTY-NINE...
  10. Elko got some explaining to do... Where did this injury on throwing shoulder come from?
  11. Word is Wiggy is out, Reed getting the start First I've read the "throwing shoulder" being the problem.
  12. Incredible the dropoff on FSU defense from last year.
  13. A&M going to lose to this USCe team as well this year
  14. Chandler Morris (UNT now) is still not a good QB...3 picks 1st half, TTU up 52-7... still few minutes left in 1st half.
  15. Risk/reward against McNeese. He needed an easy game and odds of McNeese getting too him was low. Not going to list him as questionable because injury "could" heal and don't need a target. This week I think it's more of a gamesmanship to make Florida scheme for two QBs.
  16. That's when he got popped on the shoulder and dropped...also when he threw up after the next play
  17. Holy crap that fg try sucked by the kid
  18. I thought it was put out that it's a non throwing AC joint shoulder issue? You won't see him running today if he plays.
  19. Yes. Like a Walmart parking lot of excitement
  20. Its really cool, but for me $20 - I probably wouldn't do it, 3.99, 4.99 wouldn't blink at doing it. $20 seems high for something I really don't "need" but $3-$5 I'd do it and might get hooked and accept a price hike later.
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