Not sure how old you are, but I've been on TRT for about 4 years (I'm 58), and it was absolutely the right decision for me. I would recommend going to a normal urologist not one of the modern 'mens clinics'. If you actually need testosterone, they'll prescribe it. I use Urology Austin and have nothing but good feedback. They have a bunch of offices in the area.
Testosterone by itself isn't going to make you Jacked or lose weight, and it DOES NOT give you willpower of motivation. But if if your T has actually fallen off from where it was in years past, taking T will help your energy levels, your recovery, your interest in sex, your sexual performance and if you do put work in, it will help in muscle growth. You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet, but in my case TRT was just the little extra boost I needed to get some momentum going to get back in shape. TRT helps, but you have to do the work.
There really isn't a lot of good options for OTC sleep aids that you can use repeatedly. Benadryl is my go to for a one-off, some people have luck with Melatonin, and there are a host of other OTC sleep aids. None of them really work well.
Your best bet is google "how to sleep better" and follow some of the advice. i.e. Lower your stress, get some exercise, eat healthy, stay away from screens before bedtime, stay on a regular schedule, etc.
Prescription Sleep medication, on the other hand, is just bad news. Ambien and related drugs F#$% people up. Google "Ambien memory loss stories" to see how it screws people up.