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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fudbelty

  1. The problem is with Covid/injuries you can’t even take the backup QB for granted. I’d like Dak to rest but still you need him to play now I feel like. I am often wrong.

    You’re right, but at this point we aren’t winning shit unless Dak is playing so rest him.
  2. Me: You should bring a jacket. It gets pretty cold after the sun got down.
    Wife: But it’s so hot now, I don’t need a jacket.
    3 hours later…
    Wife: Oh my gosh, I was so cold sitting there watching (our son) during soccer practice. I should have brought a jacket. 

    Last Christmas 100% on my own and own thoughtfulness bought my wife a battery operated heated jacket. She loved it. In November 21 we had some colder soccer games. Damn thing was still in the box. I got tone for reminding her about it.
    • Rage+1 1
  3. Yes.  I think there's more thought that went into the design of this than Fudbelly anticipated.

    Maybe you’re reading too much in to this. My original post simply was that when all parents are on the same sideline it drives me nuts when other parents sprawl down the entire sideline. You should sit on the side across from your team. Make mid field the split.
  4. I prefer kids on one side and parents on the other. Especially at the younger ages. Helps kids stay focused on the game and not farting around with parents or siblings. Also helps coaches instructions being heard better and not lost in the asshole parents who want to coach from the sideline. I’ve been guilty of such so I keep my mouth shut now.

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