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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fudbelty

  1. I wonder when the blond dye thingy will run its course. Is SLC responsible for that?

    Definitely.  SLC was bad enough but seeing all these schools copying it gives me douchechills.

    I’ve got a cousin in Aledo and all three of her boys sport the blonde mullet.  It would appear it started at SLC and migrated west.

    I remember Stephenville doing it in the 90’s. No clue who really started it. Peaster’s (next up and coming school district in Parker county) State winning basketball team did it in 98-99.
  2. What a farce. I can't believe a bureaucrat would just make up an arbitrary decision on a whim to decide a championship. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to watch college football.


    At least quote your sources.
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