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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fudbelty

  1. My only foray was August 29, a 1:30 Sunday game against Hou when Cowboys had a home noon preseason dorkfest. Fucking awful, awful decision. From 1:00 at the corner of Texas Live!, didn’t sit down in the Shed until bot 3. Fuck prepaid parking, that shit better be cash again soon. 

    Oh damn. We’ve never been to either stadium with another event going so ya I could see that being a cluster.
  2. I wonder what kind of trade value IKF may have. Middle infield should look quite nice...it had better.

    Box of sunflower seeds and opened pack of grape Big League Chew. He was just a placeholder imo. He wasn’t terrible but with his offense where it’s been he just won’t bring any top talent.
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