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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fudbelty

  1. China Springs beats Carthage 27-17. Four defending champs knocked out today.  

    Five defending champs knocked out. Argyle lost to Stephenville in the game immediately following Aledo v SOC in Mansfield.

    Edit: Holy shit it was actually six.
  2. I do appreciate what he did in 20’ but if that season had carried on normally I don’t think he makes it too last season. For some reason I can’t remember the number but before the Rona rest they lost like six in row (four or six) and were heading nowhere with him. Then obviously in the bubble they made that run, which was awesome, and just haven’t been the same since. I was afraid of this happening.

  3. Sadly.....no. She is from Omaha and the only thing that happens there is three CWS and Warren Buffett's big shindig. That is the extent of her sports knowledge, outside the fact that ou sucks.

    And, to her credit, when she started to repeat it, she said, "oh.....never mind"

    Three? Shit, I’ve only known about one.
  4. Work for a pretty large company and someone sent an email to what I can only imagine is the entire fucking company distribution list. Instead of everyone reading it and just moving on with their day I’m up to 200+ “Replay All” emails saying they didn’t need to be on the list.

    What’s worse? There’s another 100 “please don’t hit reply all”.

    Innanet is hard.

    Our email finally leveled out yesterday afternoon.

    Final numbers
    Original email was to over 100k email addresses

    500+ reply all emails also went out

    That’s a lot of emails.
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