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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fudbelty

  1. They’re selling tickets up in the 400s(top) of Jerryworld for the Aledo game. I know it’s due to distancing but damn how many are they expecting.

    Last year we had the bottom two levels end zone to end zone packed. I guess I have no clue how that extrapolates with distancing properly.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. Maybe this is more ‘trivial things that make you ask WTF?’
    At a restaurant and order a schooner of Shiner Bock.  Waitress brings it momentarily...
    with a straw, still wrapped in the paper.  Why?

    Covid sticks to glass. Everybody knows that.
  3. Midgets are cool until one walks in the bathroom when your 4yr old son is in there with you. The boy was literally eye to eye with the guy looks up to me and asks, “Daddy why is he so short. You’re way bigger than him!”

    Also, DFW is(was) exploding?


  4. Officially official fuck this virus. I’ve posted my story here. I’m recovered and everything seems to have returned to normal.

    It’s fucking insane/frightening the amount of people that have had/are getting this shit now. A good buddy passed away last night from this. Honestly it doesn’t matter age, weight, or any other issues. This shit swept in, took him down, and four days later he’s gone. Fuck man.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  5. Aledo recruits? No wei.

    Are they beatable? I feel like this will be the year if any that they don’t go to State. QB transferred from CA to start the year but was JV. Got moved up in October. He seemed to injure his knee last night but limped around the rest of the game and finished.

    I feel like if you can stop JoJo (wr/rb/wildcat qb) and DeMarco Roberts (Jase 2.0) you have a damn good shot. They lost a lot at QB when Bishop graduated because he was also mobile.

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