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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fudbelty

  1. The funny thing is I’m often already in the store by the time slapdick is parked while they were waiting for Maude and Pearl.  It’s just “so far for them to walk” 

    I’ll make one pass. If I don’t find one near a buggy return (entirely different issue) I’ll park out back near a return.
  2. On the left is what I’m referring to. You should not pull through those. dbbfca7c35e95e0da965624d1da80597.jpg
    Also what really brought on my post is in the angled parking lot someone pulled through the painted island under the right hand car and parked in spot #1 on the right. Then they weren’t able to leave without 7 point turning

  3. Get fucked.  I didn’t park 300 yards from the door to have to back out and have some fucktard on their phone hit me because they were trying to drive up to the front of the lot and wait 3 minutes for Maude and Pearl to load their groceries into their car and get a “good spot” 

    Out there is fine. Up front on one way rows is where you shouldn’t pull through. This is what brought on my post. Hell, out back where you’re talking about is Thunderdome imho.
  4. Looking at the box score, this is the best balance I’ve seen in modern era.. 180 rushing yards, 196 passing. Offensive line better or Minnesota worst d in league?

    Semi competent o-line. Martin moved out to tackle and we benched the swinging door that couldn’t block a 2yr old.
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  5. Vilma’s got some potential.   He is a bit chatty and repeats himself a lot right now.   But he’s not absolutely terrible.   He was really good in studio 

    I do like him. He’s been working on his craft at ESPN and it’s good to hear him. Just needs to to let KA make the call before stepping in.
  6. It was the same exact fucking play they just ran and he missed Schultz wide open.  They ran it with different receivers.   They knew it was gonna be open and Dalton waited too long to throw it and then lobbed it out there.  

    To be clear I’m not saying Dalton is great or even all that good, but it’s comical how every ball that leaves his hands is shit to many here. I get the shag err surly way is always be negative. Hell I even do it but geez give a guy some credit. He’s having a decent game at least as decent as you can expect a backup to have.
  7. From the pharmacist perspective, I hope you were pissed off at your insurance for not offering your independent pharmacy a contract at a rate that they could at least break even with.  The lack of knowledge around how badly the PBMs are screwing over both independent pharmacies and the general public is infuriating.  It should be a huge scandal, but no one cares because it is so complicated to understand how.

    Username obviously checks out
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