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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fudbelty

  1. Hell, I always thought that’s what the dash of the pickup was for. 

    It was until I saw a co-worker with one of these. It’s fantastic. When you go to your favorite fast food taco establishment order a couple extra bean burritos and then warm them up in this the next day. Big win.
  2. I liked this line too. 
    He is between 24 and 26

    That is incredibly specific for a nameless dude. 

    I’m 6’3 and 39. Definitely not me. Also May or may not have been down with the Rona during said altercation

    Edit: I have an alibi. Thanks Harris Downtown. I’m clear!

  3. Did you drive 20 miles with it sitting on the engine to warm it up or eat it cold like a bitch?

    You can go fuck yourself with this shit attitude and negativity. I work out of my truck and have one of these. Plug it in and put whatever I want in there about 45 minutes before I want to eat. Also bought some foil pans for stuff that isn’t in a can or a burrito. 36297aa2386faf0587974d8599b22f36.png

    cold chili from the can is highly edible. 

    Yup. I scooped some with the Fritos before heating so I could dump Fritos in and it’s delicious. I had a frito in every bite.
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