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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fudbelty

  1. Can anyone’s wife drive? Specifically backwards or in and around garages?

    Had a vehicle with back up cam and sensors. When we moved in to the house she took the left side(as you pull in) of the garage. Boom, backing out front end to the left side of garage frame. Blamed it on the angle she had to turn due to my work truck being back there(20ft at least).

    Last November get a new vehicle. This one has 360 sensors and cameras. She’s now on the right. Pulling in one day boom. Cuts it way to much and rear quarter panel on the right side frame. No clue how this happened. She has tons of room.

    Sunday I’m out getting a haircut and when I walk out I see this. 4d30f89d9ebd7e83002bae187cac2eb7.jpg

    For about two seconds I’m curious who hit my parked car. Then I switch to her. So I text and ask wtf happened to the car? “I backed in to your truck while you were sick. I didn’t want to stress you out more.”

    I don’t get it. Why is it sooooo hard to drive backwards.

    I didn’t even mention her not pulling forward enough and the garage door getting stuck on the bumper and she didn’t notice it wasn’t closing.

  2. Absolutely non law nor family guidance pro but it sounds like 11yr old daughter thinks life will be easier on the other side. Not Knowing you one bit I’d imagine it would be very much the same, especially if you and the ex already seem to have the co parenting down.


    This exact thing happened with my sis when her daughter reached 13. Niece realized that dad and step mom played right in to it though. She ate it up, until dad starting cracking down on the “liberties” of living with dad.


    My honest opinion is you if feel (only you know this) she is safe, taken care of, and in a good place then maybe offer more time but I wouldn’t go full 100. It doesn’t set a good precedent that she can throw her fit and get what she wants. Hell when I was 14 I wanted to live with my dad. That lasted a month and I went back to my mom’s. Grass is always greener, but it’s still grass.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. Holding on to my stock 13 Wrangler Unlimited until the spring. Then it’s either Bronco or truck. Want to see and drive a Bronco. I’m a 6’3 bigger (not huge fat but big) guy so I want a little more driver cabin room and not feel like my head is above the frame when I sit up.

  4. I have been Xbox since OG. Stayed with it mostly because it has never sucked and I definitely got my money worth with all consoles. I did have the OG PS but didn’t get another one until PS4. Only got one of those so I could game with a few friends who only had ps4. Now I just have one in each room and they’ve become media players mostly. I have less and less time for games. I believe the digital Xbox will get my first dollars. Might get PS5 later next year. Not sure in that though. My friends really don’t game much either anymore but it is nice to have a little flexibility.

    • Hook 'Em 1

  5. Sure if you want to be in the same boat in 3 years. They already fucked up the rookie QBs window recently. They’ll do it again. Mans that’s provided they even get a good QB(it’s a great shoot) and he won’t be better than Dak for several years. Why get rid of a proven feanchise QB?

    You feeling ok? This post definitely isn’t one of your best. Breathe!
  6. But here's the thing; getting covid doesn't make you forever immune. Who's to say you are as fortunate a second time?

    That’s what I’m struggling w now especially after reading the post about the guy who got it again. I know new virus that we still don’t know a ton about but I’ve basically been told I wouldn’t get it again. Really fucking weird and confusing. Are there medical experts here that can speak to that? Here or pm are fine.
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