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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fudbelty

  1. Just got news on a patient from a few weeks ago. 32 yrs old, completely healthy, ASA 1. Had covid back in July. Tested negative 2 times since then. Totally asymptomatic, came in for a cyst removal. Left surgery center fine, no problems.
    2 days later, went into complete cardio-pulmonary failure. Admitted to Methodist. Tested positive for COVID, died 24 hours after admission
    I dont even know anymore

    Well that’s terrifying. Especially for me.
  2. Sure wish “Unread” in Tappa worked correctly. Tappa says it’s Surly. Surly says it’s Tappa.


    Not sure if anyone did anything but all the sudden the memory leak/loss happens a lot less frequently. Unread actually loading on Tappa. Still a couple times it won’t work but better.
  3. 18 hours ago, Bash Riprock said:

    I tested positive yesterday.


    I have nothing but a tickle in my throat. Nothing but Door Dash and seeing what is in the deep-freeze for me.

    Best of luck. My only non medical professional advice is if it feels wrong is go get checked out. My health insurance is good but either way get checked out. Don’t fuck with the side shit. 

  4. Glad you are better. The blood clot thing is what worries me. I’m in pretty good health, 49, 6 foot and 170. But I’ve had a clot in my right leg already and it runs in my family. I don’t want to get this shit.

    Thank you. Other than just over all feeling like shit I did ok with the Covid. Like I said my body just went full inflame mode. It was odd for sure. Other than being a newborn I’ve never spent a full night in the hospital. I actually don’t think I was ever admitted in to one. Always ER and in and out.

    My doc did mention they’re they’re thinking that the virus load you actually take On is how bad you get Covid itself.
  5. Aledo couldn’t get off the field on multiple 3rd and 20+. Had the ball with less than five minutes to go down 20-17 and all three TOs They started moving the ball decently. Then QB looked like he was throwing the ball to Jojo Earle (LSU WR commit) no matter what. He was triple covered and safety made the pick.



    CHill’s Qb was pretty impressive. I’m going to look him up. Can’t imagine he’s not playing in the next level. Strong runner with a cannon. At the end of the first half he was rolling right on the 50 and made an off balance throw to the middle of the end zone. He missed some open passes but overall was good.



    Edit: CHill SE Qb Kaidon Salter is going to Tennessee

  6. Aledo scheduled Cedar Hill as their homecoming game this week. Waco U out due to Covid. Great test for both teams. I watched Aledo V Frisco a couple weeks ago and they looked solid still. Not sure the Soph Qb will handle CH’s speed though.

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