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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fudbelty

  1. I’m weird about it. I have worn mine. My family does theirs. I’m not defiant. I just question. We will continue to follow rules. My biggest thing this entire time has been personal space and make decent choices on where you go. Opening more up is making me nervous but we’ll overcome after all.

  2. I’m weirdly still on the fence on the whole mask thing. My main concern the most has been the social distancing. I think there’s more to be said for personal space. I can’t imagine being in that place(or any like it) and enjoying myself. Blah blah kids freedom tthem dumb youngins. That is seriously just stupid. You can be invincible but get the virus from that situation then spread it to one person who gets ill and you’re an absolute asshole. Fuck everyone there.

  3. Just a friendly reminder on how to work the coin buy back.

    1. You can only purchase the buy back once every 24 hours. So don’t expect one to pop up if you haven’t waited that long since your last purchase.

    2. You can only get one offer at a time. So say you’ve played T7 and been offered that after a loss. Your app will hold that offer even if you bump to T8. If you want to get the offer on T8 fully close your app then go play T8 and “Take the L you pussy!”

    Hope that helps.

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