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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fudbelty

  1. I've always wondered about this.... football is the only sport of the "big 4" major sports in the U.S. that has *not* traditionally worn white at home... Basketball, baseball, and hockey all traditionally wear white at home and then the darker primary color on the road... (which a few exceptions of course)..... I wonder why football went the other direction?

    You haven’t watched much hockey lately have you?
    • Hook 'Em 2
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  2. I'm not sure I understand why they let play continue for that long. Couldn't a puck theoretically deflect back into Tampa's zone towards the goal? 

    It’s essentially the same as a delayed penalty there. Once other team touches up the play is dead.

    Did the stars player go into the goal on his own?  I’d hope they’d stop play if he was checked in there, leading to the obvious advantage by Tampa of not having to cover defensively 

    He went in on his own. It would have been blown dead if he were checked or it was a penalty
  3. My dad was(actually still is) a big bowler back in the day and I remember going to that alley. My one and only season of hockey was played there.

    Also, am I misremembering or wasn’t there a bowling alley on top of Ol South back in the day. All I know is I was very young and it was somewhere there.

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