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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fudbelty

  1. how in the fuck did they spend 3X what any other team did on a stajium?

    Digging 100’ below ground surface then getting shut down/delayed during construction due to torrential rain (for the area) can’t be cheap.
  2. Nope. Time to get oetter some live fire. 
    anyone else feel like this is the second series in a row where there’s way more no -calls going against them?  How many obvious penalties have vegas and colorado not been called for?
    but they just keep scrapping and keep winning. 

    I’ve been saying that ever since we went up 3-1 on the Conner Makinnons. I just don’t know if I’m saying because I’m a Stars fan or it’s legit. We have been committing some pretty ill timed stupid penalties, but it feels like nothing is being called the other way.
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