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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fudbelty

  1. As new as it is, I would imagine it's all bouncy right now. 
    And I looked it up. Canseco was scored a HR. Some how the Blue Jays had 5 errors in the game though

    What do the Blue Jays have to with anything? Wasn’t it off his head @Cleveland?
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  2. Everyone else is throwing shit against wall as to what they think happened so heres mine. I just won’t act as if mines fact like some have.


    I feel it’s likely driver was possibly stopped at the light already as protesters were crossing the street while he had a green. Missing that green and with a semi blocked view he decided to turn right to get out of the area not realizing there were in fact more protesters in the middle of the street. If he wanted to injure or hurt anyone in my opinion he wouldn’t have hit the breaks as quick as he did.

  3. The only video of the turn that I have seen shows him making an illegal right hand turn by not coming to a stop and turning from a non-protestor road onto a road with protestors.

    The only video I’ve seen you can’t tell if he had already been stopped and was making a right hand turn.

    You're right.

    If a drunk unintentionally hit a family that was jaywalking, they would have deserved it and the drunk wouldn't have faced charges. 



    Carry on. Driver in this case wasn’t charged with DUI so I feel safe assuming he wasn’t drunk. Had he been drunk then I’d more apt to understand your point. At this point I don’t so I’ll move along.

    "I'm sorry officer, I didn't intend to drive on the wrong side of the road and kill that family. I had about 10 old fashioneds prior to getting behind the wheel. Never intended to kill them"
    "Have a good night sir, here's your driver's license back. Drive safe!"

    Not even close to the same scenario.
  6. As you play you’ll learn there’s times where the chip in is easier than a putt. If I hit it in the rough a lot of times I’ll play just to be able to chip in.

  7. He's 4 and just now started shitting in the toilet?

    He flat out refused. We tried everything. If we didn’t get him a pull up he’d never poop. Finally I told him I’d buy him a new bike if he went two weeks and he’s been good ever since.
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  8. Going to be a while getting use to seeing them at the new place. I was in 7th grade when the Temple opened. Played multiple games there. It’s just not even close to the same.

    Oh well I’ll get over it. Let’s hang a championship banner in this one.

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