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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fudbelty

  1. So previously you could only challenge friends up to whatever the 3k level is. They’ve added new challenges out I haven’t gotten too deep with those.

  2. You guys want me to see if I can get you in our Push to C100 clan next season? It starts In 2.5 weeks. 6k minimum. If you think you can do 10k the there’s another clan we have that pushes Top10. They got third last season.

  3. If you want I know 4 different clans that will probably try to push to C100 next season and can add you in the mix. Basically 6k per player is the minimum. So that’s 214 a day. I’ve slacked really hard this season but have been in the 6-8k range pretty regularly.

  4. I’ve kind of turned to mercenary work. Putting up 8k points a season and helping teams get to C100. Our actual clan (Shankaholicz) made C100 again last season but they’re going to be relegated this season and then we’ll push again.

    It’s nuts how much some of these guys play. Clashaholicz has an old lady named Beavis. Who all she does is play GC and help her old ass husband. She puts up 30-40k regularly.

  5. Man I’ve got 12k+ games in and I still play by feel. I tried the rings system and was absolutely terrible. I stay almost exclusively in 10. I’ve got a decent feel for every SO there. Awesome to hear you’ve enjoyed the game.

  6. 3 sides to every story, we’re only getting the living. 

    This is pretty much where I sit on this one. Either way there’s no way in hell she did anything that was deserving of being shot. I just don’t see a 70yr old woman doing any of what he reported. Possibly maybe gave him the finger, but even then that feels like a stretch.
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  7. Boom! You’ve got more trophies than me. At one point I had 1-8 and 10 maxed. I dumped 7-8 so now my max trophies is in the 2300’s. Got tired of getting killed by 3k+ players.

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