This is a doozy and I’ll try to keep it short. Thanks to daylight savings ending I’ve been waking up at 4:30 instead of 5:30. So yesterday I wake up. Lay in bed for a bit then decide to get up and head in to the office early since it was going to be a short day anyway. I get ready and leave the room all while wife was asleep When I get to the kitchen to grab keys and badge I realize something doesn’t sound right. I investigate appliances and wasn’t that. Move on to laundry room and not that either. Finally realize it’s in the garage and it’s the fucking high water alarm for the septic. Stand there for a minute to decide do I finally call someone or go remedy myself. Remedy myself wins out. So back to the room I go. Change jeans, put on different shirt, put on boots instead and even my outside “working” hat. Go outside where it’s rainy pull truck over so I could use the lights to see, turn on water hose, pull the pump, clean off the screen and pump(I need to have all three tanks pumped) put it back, turn truck so I can watch sprinklers to make sure we’re good. Sprinklers stop, go turn alarm back on, and we’re good to go. Go back inside, go to bathroom don’t see wife so I figured she was waking the kids up. Showered and put the work clothes back on. Gather stuff back up and I’m ready to go. Asked the the son where mom was and he said in the restroom. So I just leave because I’m not messing with her while she’s dropping a deuce. About 9:00 at work I started getting texts. How dare you leave in the middle of the night. You come back shower, and don’t say anything. Blah blah. I’m done blah blah. Either you find somewhere to go or I will. Of course I tell her she’s wrong. Exactly what I did. The her response was “well you should have told me that’s what you were doing”. FML.