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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Fudbelty

  1. This one lol. AL West Standings made me think of that and I forgot to add the pic.
  2. Easily could have been 3/4-0. Otter saving our asses tonight.
  3. I knew a Tasha. She got married, had a kid, Dad found out it wasn’t his(wasn’t mine either), and she disappeared. Bitches suck.
  4. So you’re saying we’ll be shutout?
  5. This is our year. Pavs = Nieuwendyk. Wyatt = Langenbrunner. Jamie lived with Nieuwendyk during his call up in ‘99 and ‘00 season. Also, fuck trying to spell Nieuwendyk after not seeing the name for 20 years.
  6. Hockey boys on the Ticket brought up Jamie Langenbrunner yesterday, and honestly it made sense.
  7. Been fairly slim pickings. Off the top of my head WCF in 09 (edit:was 08 I could have sworn it was the year my daughter was born) and SCF in 20 feel like the only times we’ve been out of the second round.
  8. Every single house out there is on a water well and septic. No city utility.
  9. 21-14 in a six game series is a pretty good ass kicking. Pretty easy to see who the better team was. This was actually one of the few times I’d say the losing team could legitimately think they were better, but they lost so they weren’t.
  10. Chill, guys. It’s not like we’re only season one month one into this contract.
  11. That was, the same? At least it felt the same.
  12. Doesn’t NHL reseed? Pretty sure Vegas would be the next opponent for the Sea Monsters. Edit- delete response, ban user.
  13. Uhhh Spurgeon definitely took a free whack after entering the zone.
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