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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Fudbelty

  1. 21-14 in a six game series is a pretty good ass kicking. Pretty easy to see who the better team was. This was actually one of the few times I’d say the losing team could legitimately think they were better, but they lost so they weren’t.
  2. Chill, guys. It’s not like we’re only season one month one into this contract.
  3. That was, the same? At least it felt the same.
  4. Doesn’t NHL reseed? Pretty sure Vegas would be the next opponent for the Sea Monsters. Edit- delete response, ban user.
  5. Uhhh Spurgeon definitely took a free whack after entering the zone.
  6. That’s exactly where Doni was trying to go a few minutes earlier.
  7. Let’s fuck them up. Edit: I’m ready for September. Jkjk. Wrong thread.
  8. I’d give Meesh the ole rally nanner. Wouldn’t even care if she pulled the goalie.
  9. Watch out for the dirty shit now. Hopefully refs start handing out misconducts.
  10. What the fuck. My coach pitch team has a better bullpen.
  11. Only way for that to happen at this point is with a trade. Nobody worth a shit is available to sign.
  12. What a stop. ELEPHANTINE! MASTADONIC! All the words.
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