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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Fudbelty

  1. I can’t think of any empty buildings currently that would makes sense. Pathfinder Brewey has an open kitchen and plenty of room for expansion and obviously would still have the brewery aspect. Building from ground up? Maybe where the old R&K that was dozed.

    Not that it was going to happen but I guess we can mark Pathfinder off the list. 4a835e78731bf6458e1eb8c77521c219.png
  2. Galindo is one of the few I wouldnt take over Walton. In between Walton's tangential observations and weird ass analogies, he will occasionally drop some insight that comes from having played the sport and relevant to the game at hand. Galindo is an annoying fuckstick 100% of the time and never has anything relevant to add. I'd rather listen to the "boom goes the dynamite" guy than Galindo. If I was that bad at my job, I would fire myself. 

    I swear the other announcer tonight said “you have to gang rape Texas” at the 6:15 mark in the first. Guy was terrible all game long.
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