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Everything posted by FUBAR

  1. Would Trump just pardon him and take the DOJ off the hook?
  2. As much as I hate the idea of this game, without it we are second place if OU beats WVU. This stupid game is our only shot at the B12 Championship.
  3. Paging Bob Stoops to the Buckeye phone....
  4. He was taken off the case because his texts and personal bias would have blown up the Mueller investigation. He’s a smug, arrogant little bitch who thinks he’s above the law. Worse, he thinks he is the law and rules don’t apply to him. No telling what he did or didn’t do about his job, but I guarantee you he did not leave obvious evidence of crimes or bad actions (if he committed anything edgy at all). He’s at least smart enough to cover his tracks. That being said, the clown show was beyond stupid (mainly by the Repubes). Mueller needs to go on. We’ve all known Russia messed with our election. That’s on Obama’s watch. Old news. Seems to be no collusion identified at this point. Let’s see if Mueller can tie anything to Trump. It would be refreshing to get you guys back to being funny.
  5. The guy’s an idiot. He fell in love with a reporter. She drained his nads to get info from him and she used that info to build her name and reputation to get a job at the NYT. Good for her. It was a win win until he lied to the Feds about it.
  6. Richard Peavy’s hit that knocked Marcus Dupree out of CFB. Walking knockout. He walked into the Longhorn huddle out on his feet.
  7. Not fat or ugly enough to be a reasonable likeness, but it's funny.
  8. Do that, and ensure the union-mafia overlords will be able to grease their "elective" contributions of their membership to fund elections. No system is fool proof. The moment you set it up, bright minds will immediately get around it. It's no different than the tax code... All a game within a game.
  9. Of course the Queen can. She's not toting that 50lb wine gut HRC is.....
  10. Did you not learn that the FBI is part of the DOJ?
  11. Yes - the DOJ and FBI. I agree with you. Thanks
  12. I’m sorry you feel that way. The endless investigation at our expense. Maybe he gets him maybe he doesn’t. Let’s get on with Stage 2 of the shit show.
  13. Can we just stick to High Crimes and Misdemeanors and get on with it? There’s a country to run here I wish I was a lawyer on a Special Counsel gig. Unlimited license to bill with little to no oversight or accountability (see Ken Starr, etc). You are judged by the indictments you produce - not whether there were actual crimes (that mean anything) committed. Everybody is probably guilty of something here, but at the end of the day, This is all bread and circus for the media and ratings. Trump and Co., the DOJ and FBI all have their issues and there are plenty of bad actors on both sides. Burn ‘em all.
  14. So, he died sounding like Donald Duck?
  15. FUBAR

    Pete Rose

    A buddy of mine and I went to get Pete’s autograph at Caesars Palace. He was not very busy at the time. We got to spend about 30 minutes with him. Asked him all kinds of questions about baseball back in his day (when we grew up). Best pitcher Bob Gibson, best hitter Ted Williams. Buff stadium memories. Best player he ever played against Willie Mays. Great discussion with him. We could have talked all day. Didn’t discuss gambling or anything else but 100% baseball
  16. Facts I respect. I’ll give you kudos for that. Interesting to me to see what ever happens in this multi-year crapfest.
  17. Hugo, I didn’t know you were such a zealous defender of the Logan Act. Because that’s about all Flynn may have violated. Lying criminals (Page, Cohen, Comey, McCade, Clinton, Trump, etc) should all get what’s coming to them once we can prove they broke the law. No perjury trap BS. You either have them or you don’t. Otherwise, this is all bread and circus for the 2018 midterms.
  18. That’s the point you overly educated clowns don’t get. VERY few folks have the economic resources to fight the feds on a prosecution and not end up in bankruptcy. So, do you go Roger Clemens and spend a million or two to “clear your name” or do you just fold up the tent and be dishonored forever? Put yourself in Flynn’s shoes and make your choice. You already lost either way.
  19. This used to be a funny place and then we lost our way with Mueller Trump etc. We need another Baylor Rape scandal to get our Mojo back. This has become an endless re-run of Charlie Strong games.
  20. You would think he would. The same way Ken Starr told Clinton, I have the blue dress with your DNA on it. A couple of days before his deposition. Otherwise, Brother Bill would have denied himself to full impeachment.
  21. Point
  22. I knew that. I’m old enough to have spent tens of hours driving to Colorado on ski trips at 55 mph. My point was why stop there? 45 will save more lives and gas than 55..... and so on and so on. It never ends. But my time is limited to about 30 years, I have little confidence in the generation behind me to understand how precious liberty really is.
  23. Well, if we want to save lives, let’s ban alcohol, cars, knives, guns, axes, machetes, rope, etc. These are the same dipshits who demanded that we limit the speed limit to 55 mph to save lives and gas. Fools
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