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Mother mopar

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About Mother mopar

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  1. Did you get this off FB or Twitter, alot misinformation here.
  2. Already been denied by him on Twitter.
  3. Stop being poor and hire a CPA.
  4. His feet must be that bad, or he's as flexible as a rhino. Either way, it's too early to think about T. Nickelson 2.0 on skates at tackle.
  5. I'm an consultant, so I travel to Europe evey other month on average. Work, walk around, grab a bite, drink beers, etc, rinse and repeat. Weekends, go see other cities, hit the markets and do the historical stuff if Mrs. MM is with me.
  6. Just got back from Amsterdam, spent 3 weeks. It was cold as shit, but as the Germans say, there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing. Dress in layers and bring a beanie. We enjoyed it, and even the cold at times, made the walks feel a bit better.
  7. For what, an analyst position sure, RB coach, GTFO
  8. We get it, you hate Tappa.
  9. Meter is opposite side of the house. So I had them rework the garage sub panel to a 40/80/125A and main panel with ATS. This allowed a feeder wires to be ran across attic, so its all hidden, much cleaner install. Plus i Yes, the gas feed line and the regulator is on back left hand side. Ground level install is an invite for pest and rodents, especially where I'm at. Combined with routine mx, it's a whole lot easier when you're not on your back. Not to mention that side of the house floods. If it vibrates like crazy, I will install isolators as an easy fix.
  10. 6 man crew installed our B&S generator yesterday, took about 7 hours and only cut the internet line. Waiting on city for final inspection before setting switches and whatnot.
  11. Temu coupon guy is back
  12. We can do better than Samples and Drayton IF, Choice decides to leave.
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