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Mother mopar

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  1. But he didn't uphold his contractual obligations prior, right?
  2. Joining the club, finally. Put down a deposit for a 26Kw Briggs & Straton generator, ATS. Got the 10 year warranty, annual maintenance plan, home surge protector, wiring and NG plumbing 2 new CB boxes, and fees for $16.2k. Plus I was able to get a big ass CB box finally in my garage. Were pretty stoked about it.
  3. Few cool options https://ofhsoupkitchen.org/where-to-donate-mens-suits
  4. Nansen has been a really good addition to the staff and PK. He's done good thing with the LBs.
  5. Burton said this am on C&F that H. conner had 1 year left. Covid?
  6. Already after one year, damn. Besides feet for hands occasionally he was good back in limited time.
  7. I have learned that the "engine still runs" means it ran when parked. When was it parked, now that's a different story. Have fun and enjoy the journey. Learning is half the fun.
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