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Mother mopar

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Everything posted by Mother mopar

  1. He posted his UOV to Texas on YT. If you were ever curious about what went it to a visit, it's worth a watch.
  2. So he's gonna draft JJ instead of keeping JH? Bro!
  3. JJ going top 5, lol. Come on, ain't no way you can say that with a straight face.
  4. And NCAA sanctions coming behind him.. He's gonna hook people up alright, hell of a season.
  5. In an effort to get this bitch back on track. Texas may have an interest in Johnson/CB out of UM per CJ.
  6. Unless we making biscuits then hell yeah.
  7. I was already questioning your user name but this hot take...well
  8. Why can't we do the needle thing? Shortage of needles, covid?
  9. Shit, we had 50 pages of hotel curtain design discussion and comparison.
  10. This is correct and it has to be the vested amount, not the total. OP didn't specify whether he was or not, but every employer plan is different.
  11. Nothing is guaranteed in a 401k, but if you're getting a 6.5% return in this market something is horribly wrong and your are literally losing money (inflation, fees, etc) Last year alone Nasdaq and S&P were up double digits on return. So having a simplified index fund would have netted you in the mid-teens easily, eg VIGAX. Depending in the tax setup of the 401k there are tax ramifications as well. Which could result in lost future earnings, penalties. But MM I'm paying myself the interest, haha. There's a sucker born ever minute and an ass for every seat.
  12. Negative, it's there for retirement, it's literally in the name "Retirement savings plan". 401k doesn't turn into a personal piggy bank until RMDs are required and even then discipline needs to be exercised.
  13. As a financial planner, borrowing against retirement is usually a last resort and I recommend against it. There are a lot of factors at play here, penalties, opportunity cost, interest rates on debt, home, etc. Then, this never addresses how you ended up in credit card debt to begin with. You have to fix that or you're right back here in X years later on.
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