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Mother mopar

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Everything posted by Mother mopar

  1. BO&W is grumpy today.
  2. Mother mopar


    Yes, per Christian Wallace the co-creator.
  3. My father was telling me that yesterday as well. I fly enough onto DFW already on company dime, I'm not trying to get stuck there on my time. So MM and I will not be making it to the game. Gonna be a shit show, if it does sleet/ice/etc
  4. It's not great for this site and it's integration wucks. For but tapa was designed to do, it's awesome.
  5. Call vanguard and be done, takes 10 minutes. Ive rollovered three 401ks to them. Had checks mailed directly to them in (El paso) and after deposit went into fund of my choice...after x days per IRS.
  6. DL gonna win this game, and I'm ready for it.
  7. PSU is so overrated, here's to BSU rolling.
  8. Negative, they are called LEFs on other aircraft design series. (Stop thinking commercial) I specific this in my previous post where I mentioned NOT this particular design series. I'm not in hydraulics but I do aviation consulting for a living.
  9. Flaps are also used on leading edge too* Not on this particular design series, though.
  10. He always did the game threads, IIRC.
  11. It's been ramping up on LI and its not been the usual crap either. I use LI for work and trending, etc, but I just started unfollowing connections who use LI as the new FB.
  12. Back up per the AA subreddit. Shit show that is AA but hey its our shit show am I right.
  13. The game. He came in for one play and left and never came back.
  14. NJ calls those drones.
  15. 13.5 seems like a lot, no?
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