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Mother mopar

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Everything posted by Mother mopar

  1. We will beat UM, they lose a shitload of people.
  2. Sarks not a fan of WR rotations, once he has his core group he usually sticks with it.
  3. I ditched cable and stream from a secondhand device for free...jailbroke. There are many options out there for that side as well.
  4. If only there was a Netflix thread. https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink/topic?url=https://www.surlyhorns.com/board/topic/34-netflix-recommendations/&share_tid=34&share_fid=2053247&share_type=t&link_source=app Netflix Recommendations
  5. You got over this pretty quick
  6. His older brother's video still gets me to this day. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DtNAJI6UKFyI&ved=2ahUKEwjP3OusmcyDAxUWfzABHaKQCooQwqsBegQIGhAG&usg=AOvVaw3rwxR3E8MJVJkAIKiHXpFs
  7. Just as Shocka wasn't fired and left for Marquette.
  8. Yes, he's still planning on coming back but nothing official has dropped yet. I assume so shortly but I'm no $9.95 guy.
  9. So after struggling with never pain from a T12 compression fracture years ago, I'm finally on meds. It got to the point where I couldn't get up without almost falling down. Normal tasks seemed to take a monumental amount of effort to complete. Here's to gabapentin in hopes it makes it a bit better. Also started doing a few hip stretches to help with the nerve tingling in my right leg.
  10. We are shedding dead weight in the form of DBs who can't turn their heads around and have zero eye discipline. This is a great thing. I'd rather not repeat the UW game again next year where our secondary gets blown out.
  11. We know what RT is, let's not pretend it's his first year on the bench. He's an average coach, his track record reflects that. He was the defacto HC last year as well and if it wasn't for amazing athletes well we would be right where we are now. Getting the doors blown off at home to a shitty TT squad. At least baseball is around the corner.
  12. Barron stays at Star and Mukuba moves to safety replacing the portal'd Jerrin Thompson.
  13. I do, but I'm also not living my life in the past. There are better DB coaches that are not AARP card-carrying, borderline nursing home member as well. I'm all for an analyst position but not a on-the-field coach. FFS he's 67 or 68 years old.
  14. Yup, still a good place to score car/truck parts.
  15. Damn bro, you're such a beating. It's like explaining recruiting to my 7 yr old nephew, every damn day. It's not that hard to put two and two together. Yes, he's a soft-commit if he's talking to other schools.
  16. What's everyone's infatuation with Akina coming back here...I just don't get it.
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