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Mother mopar

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Everything posted by Mother mopar

  1. I was in the Netherlands the other day and grabbed a bag of paprika Pringles, it was damn good. I enjoy the different flavors from across the pond.
  2. In Florida you don't need a C license but every state has different rules or it depends on its weight. About roads, Louisiana says hi.
  3. You'll love it and can now join the diesel truck thread. All the big 3 have negatives and positives, it's a matter of what you're willing to put up with. I enjoy the pre-emission stuff, much easier to deal with and has a lot fewer sensors. However, I'm a simple guy and don't care for the frills of today. My 07 Dodge 2500 is a work truck and they are meant to be just that IMO.
  4. Surely does have a sponsor now that could help, lulz
  5. Short story: He was a dealer on the west side of Chicago that dealt in Mopar performance parts and cars. He would package the two together and sell those with mother mopar's blessing. Mopar used his dealership amongst a few others as proof of concept of what the people wanted. Then they would build them from the factory. Much along the lines of what Chevy did with their COPOs line of cars. His cars bring additional money if they have paperwork and he was the lynchpin of putting big blocks in small body cars. Long story: https://www.hemmings.com/stories/article/mr-norm-kraus
  6. A lot of nice cars in there. 70 Demon looks like a fun wknd car, a Mr. Norms car no less.
  7. 5 second google search says Nov 23' release. https://www.google.com/search?q=yellowstone+season+5+part+2&sxsrf=APwXEdeRSpL7mBgYaxapBDqarSH8ML0RLQ%3A1683905207190&ei=t1peZPijC7-Qi-gPoI6wwAc&oq=yellowstone+season+5+padt&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAEYADIHCAAQDRCABDIHCC4QDRCABDIHCAAQDRCABDIHCAAQDRCABDIHCAAQDRCABDIHCAAQDRCABDIHCAAQDRCABDIHCAAQDRCABDoKCAAQRxDWBBCwAzoKCAAQigUQsAMQQzoFCAAQgAQ6BQguEIAEOgUIIRCgAUoECEEYAFD8GFizH2C_KWgBcAF4AIAB7gGIAdkGkgEFMC4zLjKYAQCgAQHIARHAAQE&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp
  8. Mother mopar


    I watch the office when high and laugh my ass off. Wife (pix already posted) walks by the couch and looks and says your high aren't you. Me: What do you mean? Her: I can hear you laughing in the bedroom. Me: mmm, it's funny Her: You've seen that 20 times...10 seconds later I hear her pouring a glass of wine.
  9. I've been with them for 19 years now and my insurance went up last month. I was shocked as I've never had it go up that much. So I called around and no one could beat their prices, so I'm hanging with them. They have been really good to us and we've been through two hurricanes and both times did us right.
  10. I posted earlier in this thread that I've been using it for years and it's a huge asset to use as a job seeker. Glad the secret is starting to get out. Another tool to use is a word cloud generator to match your resume with a job's KSAs. Tons of free websites that do it but hopefully it helps someone else.
  11. Thanks bud, have to check that out amongst the "coffee" shops as well.
  12. I'll admit that but it seems he already knows he has a bad battery as he had it checked (bad load test) and then asked about noise. From my understanding, he has two issues, one charging, and the other noise...could be related as they're the same system but not related IMO.
  13. Static battery should be around 12.5V, running 14.1-14.5V w/an ohm meter. Next, check your alternator w/said ohm meter. Put red wire lead on the output cable of alt and black on any body bolt (ground) or - side of the battery, it should be 14-14.5v of output. If you took it and had it load tested at AZ and it was bad then you have your answer. Could be a dead cell as someone else alluded to. Replace the battery and go on w/life. Not all-encompassing but batteries last maybe 5 years nowadays. I've found Walmart has the best warranty for batteries nationwide. Regarding squeaking noise, remove the belt and start the car (watch temp gauge) is noise present? No, you know it's rotational based in line w/belt...Idlers, tensions, pulley, etc. Now put the belt back on and start the car, now spray WD-40 on the pulley/idler/tensioners one by one to isolate sound until it stops. When it does, you've isolated said issue and can replace it as needed. If yes, it's the sound is internal to the engine.
  14. As a mechanic, I've had more car drives like that than w/the radio on trying to diagnose a sound.
  15. Headed to Amsterdam this wknd on business flying Delta PS. Actually looking forward to the trip and flying.
  16. The order that ESPN thought they would get drafted via their draft grade score.
  17. Slabs! Been a H town thing forever.
  18. I thought night agent was alright but the Recruit was a beating to watch and had to give it up. Working on Florida Man now and it seems lackluster at points and full of filler at others but I'm only 4 episodes in.
  19. Good catch guys, I stand corrected, in normal operating mode the motor runs at 1700rpm but in spa mode, it runs at 3450rpms.
  20. Mother mopar


    Haha, did it that way for 23+ years in the Air Force, hard to break old habits.
  21. Mother mopar


    Headed to Amsterdam for business on the 6th. Looking forward to seeing the coffee shops and their strains. Would love for some Kush strains....stuff hits like nothing I've ever had. So much designer weed nowadays. Side note, as of 1 May you can no longer smoke it in outside in public, just in the coffee shops now.
  22. Can't unscrew the jets w/o fear of breaking them as they're just plastic. I haven't tried the snake cleaner yet but it's on my to-do list. I looked in the airline and didn't see anything from the blower motor side but not to say something isn't further along down the line. The water is cloudy as chemicals were just added, calcium. I have a variable-speed pump that runs at 1700 rpm. I went out this morning and messed with the spa drain and fill valves to see if anything changes, now I've got another jet working...w/bubbles. This all makes me think it's trapped air. I looked at the pump housing lid as well and my air pocket bubble is a lot bigger this morning compared to the previous picture I posted. Update: seems to be calcium build-up pieces that have dislodged and worked their way down the lines and are stuck.
  23. My spa (connected to the pool) has 5 jets and only 1 is barely working now. I thought it was air trapped in the lines, bleed that out, checked all baskets for trash, the water level is good in the pool. Checked the seals and O-ring on the pump, all good. My guess is there is an obstruction, anything I'm missing?
  24. The search is over, I officially signed my contract today with a company that I'm thrilled to help grow. LinkedIn and my network continue to be very powerful resources. For those still searching, hang in there and continue to network and lean on your contacts. Referrals are by far the easiest way to navigate ATS and the associated circus.
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