10/7 and 9/11 may be similar, or more horrific, in many of ways, but they also differ. namely what else, outside of approving nukes or the forced relocation of 2MM locals - what else can we provide Israel so that they can feel safer? ability for US subsidized indefinite imprisonment of tens of thousands of people (many of them being teenagers) who haven’t been formally charged? putting them under a more strict naval blockade? never-ending unchecked unmitigated settler expansion? destroying their airports? a more heavily fortified/militarized border? eliminating the palestinians ability to control their own water, electricity, internet? stop and frisk that would make Giuliani blush? genocidic rhetoric being swept under the rug? you have all of the above and 10/7 proved you are absolutely not safe. What else could you ask for? Just tell me what unquestionable specific ability you want after 9/11, the US overhauled the entire way you get on a flight/enter this country/control our airspace and knock on wood nothing since. if something like 9/11 happened again - I don’t see how that president wouldn’t be forced to resign by EOM. how can we continue to support Netanyahu 70 days in with no clear objective, strategy or path-forward?