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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BLKNSTY

  1. As someone who’s read probably 75% of all the Hiaasen books - next season has to be Razor Girl. Spoilers http:// https://www.npr.org/2016/09/08/490101780/razor-girl-is-carl-hiaasen-doing-what-he-does-best#:~:text=Book%20Review%3A%20'Razor%20Girl%2C'%20By%20Carl%20Hiaasen%20Gleefully,a%20loud%2Dmouthed%20reality%20star. Then Skinny Dip.
  2. Not the biggest fan of Xmas movies in general but I gotta admit, this one was a solid A- holiday movie.
  3. did not think I’d have to add Wisconsin to this. Fuck.
  4. Georgia SOS says Trump won GA
  5. I dk man. Out of all the states in the Midwest, Michigan worried me the most.
  6. wasn’t even close, 500k-ish votes off smh
  7. Abortion and legal ganja looks like it will fail in FL.
  8. Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada go Trump. Sorry folks, I’ve been on this ride before and for whatever reason we seem to never learn our lesson - WW will break 55%+ Trump and Latinos won’t be far behind. Hope I’m wrong though.
  9. Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia go Trump Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin go Harris not sure what the numbers are on that, hope I’m wrong but I have a feeling we’re looking at Dotard, Part 2 - Electric Boogaloo.
  10. “In the end, it seems the Executive’s growing comfort in appointing ‘regulatory’ special counsels in the more recent era has followed an ad hoc pattern with little judicial scrutiny,” Cannon wrote. lol we’re so fucked
  11. Saudi got their shit absolutely pushed in by the Houthis. Even after they turned Sanaa into a Gaza-like graveyard over the course of six years - they would be stupid to open that can of worms again. It’s unfortunate that they couldn’t compel their slave labor to pick up arms. http:// https://magazine.zenith.me/en/politics/saudi-arabia-and-war-yemen
  12. first half of the season was great, second half was terrible. just became monologues and boring ass conversations. should have been like 6 episodes max.
  13. I’d bet you that CA and FL are in an alliance as they both would prefer to be independent republics. once the feds are defeated, both go their separate ways. I gotta say, I’m intrigued.
  14. nah. absolutely loved it myself and am strongly contemplating a 3rd watch. cinematography, settings, and soundtrack was incredible, the symmetry in most of the scenes and transitions were really cool to see play out. felt incredibly “real” to me in the sense that these are genx parents raising genz kids in todays society being put in a classic apocalyptic setting but with a twist. loved the lil girl being bathed in blue light at the end of the movie. I’d be willing to bet that if you liked Nope, you’d like LTWB.
  15. 10/7 and 9/11 may be similar, or more horrific, in many of ways, but they also differ. namely what else, outside of approving nukes or the forced relocation of 2MM locals - what else can we provide Israel so that they can feel safer? ability for US subsidized indefinite imprisonment of tens of thousands of people (many of them being teenagers) who haven’t been formally charged? putting them under a more strict naval blockade? never-ending unchecked unmitigated settler expansion? destroying their airports? a more heavily fortified/militarized border? eliminating the palestinians ability to control their own water, electricity, internet? stop and frisk that would make Giuliani blush? genocidic rhetoric being swept under the rug? you have all of the above and 10/7 proved you are absolutely not safe. What else could you ask for? Just tell me what unquestionable specific ability you want after 9/11, the US overhauled the entire way you get on a flight/enter this country/control our airspace and knock on wood nothing since. if something like 9/11 happened again - I don’t see how that president wouldn’t be forced to resign by EOM. how can we continue to support Netanyahu 70 days in with no clear objective, strategy or path-forward?
  16. a passionate response isn’t the same as elation. but it’s clear from your line of questioning that you’re more into pushing your narrative that Israel should do whatever they WANT to do. Not NEED, SHOULD, or HAVE to do.
  17. really? our economic interests? are these US ships? no. are they crewed by US citizens? nope from an economic perspective id estimate that less than 5% of the cargo that goes through the Suez Canal is destined for the United States. this is a uniquely European/Chinese problem and I think its about damn time they step up to the plate here. economically speaking, which do you think would have more of an economic impact on the US - we enter into a shooting war with Yemen and they immediately lob missiles/drones at the most prolific oil fields in the world (which our Patriot systems have shown to be…ineffective at protecting) and takes our eye off the ball in Ukraine or a 1% chance that 1% of the cargo destined for the US is indefinitely delayed. Israel is 70 days, hundreds of war crimes, collective punishment, textbook genocide, and billions of bombs into a war with Hamas and those mfs are still shooting rockets into Israel. anyway you slice it - it ain’t fuckin’ workin and as long as Netanyahu is at the reins.
  18. never would have thought Netanyahu moonlights as an idiot on surlyhorns. anyways I gotta go watch Texas vs LSU at the Halal Guys Showcase (can I say halal on here or are you going to accuse me of being a OBL apologist?) so it’s time to pregame. 🫡
  19. fuck Hamas. they are a malignant disease that Israel thought they could control so they fed it and fed it and fed it to the point it became this gruesome unnatural sentient creature that does nothing but consume. it is a cancer to everything it touches and it thrives particularly on the pain of the Palestinian people. Qatar is making the same mistake but that’s a story for another day.
  20. “mistakenly identified as unarmed combatants” or “mistakenly identified as human shields” take your pick, I’m not particularly choosy.
  21. We have multiple US bases in Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi, UAE, Oman, Turkey Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and Djibouti. 20+ bases, 100k+ troops. Please tell me one thing of value, besides Jewish milkers, your so-called only democracy in the ME provides the US that these bases do not? Hell id argue that given the presence we have in those monarchies, a democracy in that area is a LIABILITY - CASE IN POINT BENJAMIN FUCKING NETANYAHU. Netanyahu’s desire to delay justice for his stupidity, ignorance, and inexcusable failures as a head of state + Israel’s inability to play the long game/cruel bloodlust and desire for textbook genocide will cause us more foreign policy issues in the long-term than the 1MM+ Iraqi’s/Afghanis we’ve killed in the past 25 years. We have 10,000+ illegals crossing the border everyday and Oct. 7th proved our border is still 1,000x more secure than the most heavily US-subsidized militarized/surveilled border in the world outside of NK/SK. A quote from last nights episode of Fargo really fucking hit home for me. **Lorraine Lyon**: "So you want freedom without responsibility? Son there's only one person on Earth who gets that deal." **Sheriff Roy Tillman**: "The President?" **Lorraine Lyon**: "A Baby" It’s not even the fucking tail wagging the dog, our foreign policy is leashed to a fucking fat little whiny baby that we continue to infantilize and coddle. A fat little whiny baby has caused more internal division in the US than BLM. We are going to get dragged into a fucking shooting war with Yemen because Israel wants all of the benefits of being a sovereign nation - but none of the responsibilities.
  22. Israeli forces “mistakenly identified three Israeli hostages as Palestinian civilians” fixed it for you.
  23. BREAKING: Iran's president lands in Saudi Arabia for Gaza summit, first such visit in more than a decade Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi has landed in the Saudi capital Riyadh for a major summit to discuss the conflict in Gaza. The Iranian President was greeted by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, their first encounter since Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed to restore diplomatic relations earlier this year. It also marks the first visit by an Iranian president to the Kingdom in 11 years. -CNN
  24. your lips to gods ears. but this ain’t 1967. this is 50 years of petrodollars going to gulf states later and 20 years of trying to normalize relations with Iran. literal trillions of dollars. and based on what I’ve seen in Ukraine/Azerbaijan, drone warfare is quite the equalizer for the underdog.
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