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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BLKNSTY

  1. WeBull is better in my opinion. Great interface and its charting capabilities are pretty nice. Active comments section (think reddit), zero commission trading, level 2 trading data, etc. Check it out, highly recommend. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. especially shitty once you compare/contrast to this cop: Black NC Cop Fired
  3. https://denver.cbslocal.com/2020/08/11/keith-wrede-colorado-springs-officer-fake-name-post-comments-kill-them-all-black-lives-matter-protesters/ KILL THEM ALL - one week suspension.
  4. Never heard of it, but are you sure they grow weed? Looks like they just sell growing equipment. I like the MJ adjacent industries, Scott’s Miracle Grow came out a few quarters back and in no uncertain terms said all their their revenue growth is from cannabis.
  5. Yeah, not good info. I got the fuck out and doubled down on FCEL and PLUG. I still like the whole liquid renewable fuel, EV infrastructure space a lot. PEIX, AMTX, REGI have all had ridiculous run ups these past few weeks (GEVO up 200% today, not as bullish on that one but clearly that’s only me). I think FF is next though - fantastic support at $10/share.
  6. Family of five, including a Pregnant wife, burned to death in Denver. Black, Muslim, Immigrants.
  7. In the same vein as non-stonky stocks, anyone going balls deep on Apple and Tesla shares post 4:1 and 5:1 share splits? 8/21 for Tesla 8/24 for Apple I read somewhere that if you would have bought 1 SHARE of Apple in 1987, it would be worth north of $22k today because of the 3 or 4 stock splits they’ve had in the past. This looks like Tesla’s first one so that could be something else.
  8. Great feedback man, thanks. I’ll mark it down as a private equity fuckjob. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Anyone familiar with Rackspace Technologies (RXT)? Looks like a global end to end cloud company HQ’ed out of San Antonio. IPO’d a week back after being private, $2B+ per year in Rev, but still in the red. Down 20%/$5 since it went public, so not really sure what to make of it. Some really big names like Apollo, JP, GS attached to the company and IPO. Partners with Amazon and Microsoft on some shit. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Yeahh, yeah fuck you. Less than 3 months ago we had to watch a bunch of cops kill a guy in cold blood. Instead of his death being in vain - BLM capitalized and we had serious police reforms on the table including qualified immunity, police oversight and police union reform. The closest fucking thing to getting some of liberties back since the Patriot Act. And now I gotta watch some bitch made motherfucker open his fucking mouth and denigrate the whole movement. Every fucking thing you type out actively works against advancing the cause. Saying BLM is a grift designed to exploit the black community, at a minimum, does nothing but rally a bunch of people looking for an easy way out of a tough conversation. I’ll let you figure out what kind of cover it offers the more rabid. And it sure as shit ain’t going to stop another round of protests and riots when the next cop kills an unarmed black man. We’ll be back to arguing the validity of BLM after another couple billion dollars in damages. Preach to a bunch of “I’m not racist I got black friends” all you want but at least setup a GoFundMe or OnlyFans and get in on the game. at least I could respect the hustle. Anyways, I said my peace. the show can get back on track.
  11. I don’t think its that off, they sold 21,000 oz of flower last week. Assume it’s at $300/oz that’s $25MM of revenue a month/$75MM revenue a quarter from flower only. passes the smell test for me if they’re reporting $120MM a quarter company wide.
  12. If you can find something good enough for me to liquidate my 3,000 shares at a $8 per share cost basis, I’ll be forever thankful. you can find a short seller report that came out back in late 2019 that caught my eye and the stock fucking tanked. I took a nibble back then because nothing in the short seller report really stood out as obviously fraudulent (no inside sources, arrests, financial docs, legal docs, etc.) and their financials looked outfucking standing (EPS + Revenue beats to like the tune of a 300%, consistently raised guidance, etc.). doubled the fuck down in mid March because vices always do well in recessions. 45 million insider share unlock happened back on July 25, seems like they’re holding out for a bigger payday. I do admit tho, if insider shares start to hit the maker I imagine there will be a pretty big sell-off. They increased their cash position by $50M this past quarter. All through medical flower and cartridge sales in Florida. No recreational, no edibles, Florida only. like who the fuck has $50M cash like that. I think it’s been under the radar because of a number of things. Namely Covid, but you also can’t buy this stock on any old exchange. Robinhood and WeBull to name a few. I think up until Covid, Trump’s re-election seemed pretty sure too and I don’t think that boded well for federal legalization. Lots of people got burned with the CGCs, ACBs, Tilrays, etc. but the run up these last few weeks I think has to do with the lack of insider sales. Have you ever seen to a CGC store? I haven’t. Apparently Trulieve has 55 operating stores with plans to get to 68 by EOY. 200+ company owned delivery cars. Due to Florida weed laws, they have to report the amount of product they sell and the number of new customers they signed up every week. EVERY WEEK. They’re website is pretty shitty tho but they are constantly selling out of shit. Their subreddit is pretty active too, some bitching but a lot of pics of some dank. A 100% seed to sale, vertically integrated weed company that’s sells 8ths from $23-$75. It’s a literal monopoly with a huge presence in the shittiest and most medicated state by like a factor of 3. If Biden wins and the weed financial banking rules get ironed out, this thing gets uplisted to the big board in days. This thing has a PE of 14 but there’s no reason they shouldn’t be 50+ with their kind of enterprise value.
  13. Anyone following weed stocks? The MSOs are on a fucking tear. If the price action the last couple weeks are any indication of the winners and losers, Trulieve (TCNNF) Cresco (CRLBF) Green Thumb (GTBIF) and Curaleaf (CURLF) have seemed to set themselves apart. Very bullish Trulieve. Their CEO can get it too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. "I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection." I don't think the White Moderate is the main issue any longer. The Bill Cosbys, Candace Owens, and Brothahorns of this country that use their voice to denigrate their own and amplify the voices of their oppressor thereby protecting the overall status quo are the real enemies. To come out and say, as a black man, that BLM is a fucking sham and full of grifters does nothing but provide the David Dukes of the world all the ammo he needs to reinforce their world order. The fucking fake internet points that he got on that point is a prime example. Deep down he knows that systematic racism enforced by a corrupt police and justice system is as American as apple pie, he's a fucking black man. Criticize the looters all you want, I could give a fuck. I also really don't care when white people say "all lives matter" either, it just shows who they are. But I'm not going to let a black man shitting on BLM on a forum like this go unaddressed. please, keep the negrep coming.
  15. Diamond, Silk, and Candace Owens could really learn a thing or two from you. Granted, their grift is much larger and successful. But look at you, betraying your race to grift some fake internet points. That kind of self-hate and cognitive dissonance runs deep.
  16. I wouldn’t brush this off man, I think it’s pretty accurate. there’s been a lot of boasting here in our cabal about how Trump is toast but I haven’t seen anything yet that makes me believe he isn’t president on Inauguration Day +1. go look at the DT thread, you’re kidding yourself if you don’t think there’s a greater number of them then there are of us. they are foaming at the mouth to vote this fucker in again either out of spite, ignorance, hate, idiocy, deep-seated bigotry, or any other justification they need to “take back their country”. those with shit to lose just realized that their own self interests/motives are better served by being a little more subtle. and it’s not really a novel concept, see Dave Chappelle’s bit on how asking a white male who they’re voting for president is a big no-no. AB aka HE WHO SHOULD NOT BE FUCKING NAMED is a perfect example. it doesn’t hurt that the mods basically have rolled over and capitulated into letting them stake their claim in DT.
  17. ALT all over the place after hours. Flirted with $17/18 back to $21 at the moment. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. So you turned $3.5k to just shy of $1MM? Insert scene from Wolf of Wall Street when Jonah meets Leo. I’m pretty pro-crack, strippers, whores, booze and ludes too.
  19. Portnoy is pumping NSPR. Not a fan of his, but he is the epitome of stonks.
  20. let’s not even touch on the fact that black people don’t call the fucking cops. and when ever the cops the white man called do show up, who do you think Joe the Ku Klux Klan Cop is going to side with. the data is trash, it’s fundamentally fucking biased. don’t start no shit, there won’t be no shit is a fundamental truth in the black community and we learn that shit at an early age cause guess what, we know who’s side the cops will be on. 90+ percent of murders/violence in this country is done by someone the victim knows. that’s true across the board regardless of race. who do you think makes up that extra 10%? I’d put my money on school shooters, mass murderers, and serial killers. the people who indiscriminately kill large groups of people are overwhelmingly white, but somehow the generic black man is substantially more violent towards the white man. fuck out of here with that bullshit.
  21. Penelope? I didn't see them wearing any lululemon.
  22. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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