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Bobby Western

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  1. Saw them last night in OKC for the first time, it was great. They are clearly having a blast, which means it’s easy for the audience to as well.
  2. After all that, we ended up at a Hilton property near Herald Sq. Not out of any safety concerns, just found a good deal. Ended up being commensurate in price to some FiDi properties, and as I looked at some of the things we want to do this trip, the time saved in going to/from each day was going to add up—we can be leisurely but still want to be efficient. Again, many thanks and we will continue to enlarge our search radius (and hopefully our budget) for future trips. Note: The FoodNYC subreddit has been talking up this Culture Espresso choc chip cookie as superior to Levain. Anybody here weigh in?
  3. Thanks, man, I was hoping you’d chime in. I’ll check out some places in Jersey City. Sounds promising. We don’t necessarily feel like the city is a must. But safety is a must, so I appreciate the guidance on FIDI at night. I’ll add this to the list of a dozen I owe you for all your previous recs/advice. Appreciate it.
  4. Thank you! Super helpful. There’s obviously a lot to choose from so your experience narrowing things helps a ton, as does the confirmation that FIDI can be done for the tourist. You guys are proof that New Yorkers are as helpful as always.
  5. Thanks for the tip. As with many NYC tourist questions, it seems the specific answer is “it depends.” We are coming in on a Saturday, so that might make it a bit easier. But I will likely heed your advice given the kiddo and rolling suitcase, ha. Thanks again. Appreciate the hotel rec, too. Love that part of the city.
  6. I’ll try again with a TL;DR version. Also, apologies if these have been answered 10+ pages ago; I keep up with the thread and don’t remember them being asked. The easiest way I see to get some margin on hotel costs is to stay in a non-standard area like UWS or downtown/Wall St/FiDi. Any hotel recs in that regard? Any guidance or “do not do that” for taking public transport from LGA? I’m assuming it takes longer than Uber/car service obviously but always appreciate the insights here. I saw the rec to stop at White Bear to crush some Szechuan wontons, but probably can’t do that this trip with an 11 yr old who thinks ketchup is exotic.
  7. Delta had a good deal on some nonstop tickets from our airport to NYC for the spring so we jumped on it. We’ve been fortunate enough to visit a couple times in the last 2-3 years so we don’t feel obligated to cram in everything during this trip. Want to get in a show, go to some places we like to eat, get a Levain cookie or 7 (though those are in lots of cities now), stop by the Met for a few hours… Can anybody recommend a budget hotel for #surlypoors? Location isn’t a huge deal since we don’t have to cram in a bunch of stuff, though we do want to stay near a subway stop. Is there downside to staying in FiDi or somewhere else (don’t care about nightlife around the hotel)? Similarly, I’ve been thinking I could save a couple of bucks by taking the Q70 or M60 from LGA (then connecting to the appropriate subway of course). Any thoughts? This thread has been a huge help over the years, from Beauty & Essex to Carmel car service. Many thanks 🙏 (Forgot password so had to start a new username. Formerly Llewelyn Moss)
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