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  1. He's not a t-shirt fan. I found his IG page on Saturday morning. He is a recent UT grad. Split decision in my house. Boyfriend thinks he's a douche. I'm ok with it. I mean, it's gross, but totally harmless.
  2. Cat was on your property. There shouldn't be any issue.
  3. Danton’s is still around. Moved location and is now Eugene’s. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Yup. Just read he is headed to Miami. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Yes. He is done.
  6. I would wait until next week. You can get the second dose anywhere between 28 and 42 days after the first dose.
  7. Parents in Houston just got their second dose of the Moderna vaccination.
  8. misslaw


  9. Houston is awesome. The only lunatics are the folks buying the firefighters bullshit.
  10. He has absolutely no experience in government or with any type of public sector job. This is all about his ego.
  11. Dan Cogell is one heck of a lawyer.
  12. This is what needs to happen.
  13. Their pension is based on wonky numbers from an actuary that the City had to sue because their forecast was so off. Mario Gallegos, who started out with HFD, became a state senator and got them a sweet deal many years ago in Austin.
  14. HFD is excellent at whining, bitching and moaning about everything. When they got new computer equipment for ambulance runs, they bitched about liking the old stuff better and not wanting to learn the new software. You can’t win with them.
  15. The pay numbers only tell a part of the story. You need to add in the pension numbers for each of the fire departments as well. That is where HFD makes their money. Their big selling point to new recruits is that if they work with HFD for 15 years, they will have $1M minimum in pension benefits. Because of state law which controls the governance of pensions, the pension boards do not have to provide much, if any, transparency as to what they are doing and only have to present the municipality with a bill each year to fund their pension. HFD makes big bucks off their pension. The City finally made some changes to all 3 pensions (police, fire and muni worker) last legislative session. HFD is butt hurt because they finally had to make cuts to their benefits (cuts the other 2 pensions had agreed to make in years prior), and now we have this referendum, which makes no sense and if it passes, will result in less city services because the City will have to either lay off firefighters or cut down on fire equipment.
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