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Everything posted by LonghornJudas

  1. Schmeichel has money on this game. A very Brendan Rodgers end to the season.
  2. Well, good luck Mane and Firmino. Mo is going for 20, so make the most of your chances.
  3. Holy shit, TAA is just a god damned stud. That angle of that cross was just amazing.
  4. God dammit! Look, I get you want 20, but be smart and be a good teammate. The head down, go solo shit gets a little old. Wasted chances.
  5. What a crazy end to the season for the bottom 4 (and 3-6 for that matter) right now. Villa, all but relegated, then Watford give up 4 goals to MC, and now Villa is beating Arsenal.
  6. Beautiful counters by Spurs today.
  7. Well, that's usually how it happens. Some garbage refereeing, poor VAR, some unbelievable opposing GK, plus some weak missed chances. The last one being key. Have to finish those.
  8. I'm not convinced there's anyone even in the monitoring it. There have been at least a handful of WTF bad calls just in the last couple of weeks.
  9. Holy shit, that's awesome. The engagement on Public Teams and The Legendary Run have been insane and the feedback has been very positive, so we're glad you're enjoying it.
  10. Hey everyone. We launched a new version of the PTS this week and we’ve got all of the Legendary Perks updates in there. There are 15 new perks, highlighted by legendary SPECIAL perks that allow you to add to your base SPECIAL and put more cards into that attribute. It caps at 15. We also added in Master Infiltrator which will allow you to auto-unlock/hack boxes and terminals. A lot more in there as well. Enjoy!
  11. Wait, so what did Henderson do to Mings on that replay? And he wants to shout at Salah? Give me a break.
  12. Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of context here, which is important, but if this lady has serious mental problems, then this video saddens me on a lot of levels. First, because she's likely dealing with some serious demons in her head and, as it's been pointed out, probably isn't getting any decent help, meaning this is a normal day in her life. That fucking sucks. Secondly, we have a group of people stoking the fire and making fun, causing the lady to have a violent response. That is not OK! Call the cops and keep an eye on her, but don't film, make jokes, antagonize, and put it on Twitter for some cheap fucking likes. I'm really sorry that you're having to go through this, but you're also awesome for your compassion. My mom had dementia and passed a few years ago, but had some of the same types of behavior you noted above. Being there, feeling helpless, and watching everything just slowly slip away it not something I'd wish any one to experience. It's a real shitty way to go.
  13. So, Patch 20 is live today! Public Teams and The Legendary Run highlighting the efforts. Both are really great additions to the game, so check them out and give me some feedback. Also, one issue that will get overlooked is that we separated the Master Volume and Chat Volume sliders, so feel free to play around with that, but don't move your Chat Volume slider below 1/2 way or else you won't hear anything. We discovered the slider goes from 0db to 75db. 30db is a whisper, so... We'll fix that.
  14. Rebecca Lowe does not look good today. Needs a shave.
  15. This would have been better if they used "partner" and "they".
  16. Sorry, I tried to edit right after I submitted and now I can't edit...
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