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Everything posted by LonghornJudas

  1. That's Jason Garrett level of idiocy.
  2. Watson is doing that run-stumble you do when you're trying to run in your dreams. Dude can't get traction.
  3. That's one thing I love about TAA and that's his tendency to take that rocket shot from outside the box.
  4. Some really weak/slow through passes today. Even on the first goal, I didn't think that was going to even make it to Salah.
  5. Soccer needs to adopt the hockey assist. There are a lot of goals that are really created from that originating pass to the assisting player.
  6. Coordinators or no coordinators, we're still ass.
  7. Trying to run with the QB? On this defense? Oh wait.
  8. "We're not saying Sam Ehlinger is Lamar Jackson."
  9. Freddie Kichens was just fired, so apparently you don’t have to wait until Monday to do these things, Jerry.
  10. This better happen tomorrow. It should happen right after the game, but Jerry's too much of a pussy.
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