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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by BigOrange1

  1. fair point.
  2. honestly, i've been so focused on september 2nd being opening day that i completely forgot about week 0. neither notre dame or usc should be challenged, but by all means you can wait until after saturday's games conclude before sending in your ballot.
  3. it is just very hard for me to imagine a scenario where this team finishes 7-5. even 8-4 feels like a stretch. 9-3 seems like a much more likely floor.
  4. we are up to five votes. this thing is scorching hot.
  5. between the two of us, there are now two ballots officially in.
  6. we have the dumbest fucking morons as our elected officials in this state:
  7. wow thanks for chiming in with this super insightful post.
  8. my awesome, kick ass, elite offense completely shat the bed this week.
  9. they finished the game on a 22-5 run and won 99-91. edwards is definitely the alpha on this team. 34 points on 11/20 shooting. first game of the world cup is against new zealand at 7:40am on saturday.
  10. ant edwards ties it up!
  11. pretty fun exhibition game going on against germany right now on fox. they were down by 12-13 about midway through the third quarter but they are on a run right now (spearheaded by anthony edwards and tyrese haliburton) and have cut the deficit down to 3 with just under a minute to go in the third.
  12. one of those times when you look back and wish you knew you were in the good old days when they were actually happening.
  13. that was an awesome win though. every time the braves would come back and tie it up, the giants would immediately re-take the lead in the top half of the inning (usually by multiple runs). but the braves just kept coming and then yeah, the 2021 nlcs mvp did his thing in the bottom of the 8th. it was a really fun win.
  14. win #80 on august 19th.
  15. bump, in typical surly fashion i have received 0 ballots thus far. in order to be included in the preseason poll, ballots must be received by 7:00pm on sunday, august 27th. again, send in your ballot via word or excel to surlytop25@gmail.com
  16. we are so close, but still so far from being awakened from this nightmare.
  17. d'angelo did not murder snot boogie.
  18. i understand that the super chats pay the bills, but those livestreams would be so much better if they took fewer questions from the peanut gallery.
  19. most definitely. the fact that sark would even acknowledge that shows me that he's levels ahead of the typical meathead football coach.
  20. gerry just said they got a new silent that he expects to go public soon.
  21. not a good sunday for the good guys.
  22. i'd just like to take a moment and acknowledge the fact that it's august 13th and matt olson has more home runs than the braves do losses.
  23. creep was a really good horror/psychological thriller that duplass did as well. sounds like i need to check out room 104.
  24. for sure. he's one of the top 5 most fun guys to watch in the entire sport.
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