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Everything posted by MagicSoccerSpray

  1. Extremely long history, review, and explanation of the Star Wars hotel failure. Very damning.
  2. So much hotter when she was cute, natural, and didn't look plastic. Sigh...
  3. The fire was burning the oxygen from the atmosphere inside the ships, not from a crackling campfire in deep space.
  4. Define "nice"
  5. "asymmetrical warfare is their only option" Guess instead of "compassion signaling" i should have said "Terrorist sympathizing". And I'm not surprised they use it, I'm surprised by the amount of naive, Western, "progressive", rationalizing defense of it.
  6. I wasn't referencing you specifically. Sorry you took it that way. Because they keep stealing, wasting, and misusing the aid they are given? Regardless, your "whataboutism" falls on deaf ears, though you compassion signaling is noted.
  7. Just in the last twenty years Hamas has been given Billions by the US, Europe, the UN, Arab countries, and Iran, to do just that. And what did they do with it? Spent it on tunnels and bunkers built under schools and hospitals, training terrorists to commit bombings and killings, and terrorizing and killing any Palestinian who didn't toe their militant line in Gaza. They were given millions worth of water pipes for infrastructure, and they turned them into missiles. Hamas was given millions of gallons of diesel for generators, and food for their people, and they seized it all, either selling it, or using it for their own forces. They were elected once in 2006, then proceeded to kill their Palestinian political enemies in Gaza, and have refused any attempt at elections since. There is a reason even their fellow Sunni Arab countries are fed up and sick of their shit. Any attempt to explain away their behavior, or "what about" with antisemitic dogma, is the kind of naive, idealistic, buffoonery the "progressive" West (and the CR) excels at. If you find yourself making excuses for, and rationalizing away, the acts of a fucking terrorist organization that just willfully raped, tortured, kidnapped, and killed civilians, and fucking filmed themselves bragging about doing it, you are a piece of shit. Publicly sucking terrorist dick on the internet is a bad look. Who is "we" exactly? Whether the PA, or Hamas, the Palestinians have never missed an opportunity, to miss an opportunity. Arafat could have gotten far more than anyone thought possible in 94, and he shit all over it. Since then the Palestinians, the PA, and Hamas, have been given Billions, and have either stolen it, or used it to fund terrorists. Fuck them, and fuck this bullshit line of bumper sticker "thinking". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_aid_to_Palestinians
  8. Good God you're a terrible poster.
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Ritter#Arrests_and_conviction_for_sex_offenses
  10. I believe it's an old video. Russian Nukes best and highest use is as a bluff. I don't see them being used absent a complete state meltdown internally, or in Ukraine.
  11. https://therealdeal.com/texas/2024/05/29/texas-speaker-wins-primary-with-help-from-casino-owner-adelson/
  12. Under Siege because it was hijacked by Tommy Lee Jones, had peak Gary Busey, and naked Erika Eleniak.
  13. https://therealdeal.com/texas/2024/05/29/texas-speaker-wins-primary-with-help-from-casino-owner-adelson/?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=single_content_share&utm_source=clipboard
  14. Looks like the Lodge bought/merged with Rounders in San Antonio.
  15. Peak Community was absolutely awesome. I also think season 5-6 were underrated considering the limitations they were working with.
  16. This was entertaining. Lots of Inglorious Basterds DNA.
  17. I've been very wary of Houston poker for a while. Many of the rooms rake, much of the management have questionable histories, and security and clientele are a problem at many of the clubs. I fear these clubs will ruin it for everyone. We're lucky in Austin relative to them.
  18. You do?
  19. Hezbollah is Shiite, the Arabs don't like them either.
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