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Posts posted by MagicSoccerSpray

  1. 1 hour ago, InkaUtexas said:

    Yep, certain places. Agree. Dad has told stories of having to go rescue missionary groups in Vietnam because the lord would protect them, until the NVA said nah....

    same with peace activists killed in Central America for driving through checkpoints, or arrested for hiding weapons for the FMLN or Sendero.

    We tend to respond to these dumbs hits. WNBA star out front should have told you.  


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  2. 9 hours ago, BLKNSTY said:

    i can’t see how it isn’t an israeli missile. every single video I’ve seen of a hamas rocket explosion seems like it has barely enough explosive power to light a couple smart cars on fire. like a dozen grenades or so tied together.
    this one just wiped the whole hospital and a cool thousand people off the face of the map, I know hospitals keep lots of pressurized o2 but damn.
    i think this is going to be huge turning point, no way the millions of the locally displaced palestinians don’t crank up the pressure in jordan/egypt/lebanon/syria. can’t see israel launching a ground invasion of gaza now.


    Hamas places rockets, explosives, and headquarters in hospitals, schools, etc. It would only take one unlucky explosion in the right place to set it all off.

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  3. 12 hours ago, Scheiss Meister said:

    It can be used for smoke in a pinch.  We never fired that many of them due their propensity to start grass fires.  From my memory, which is getting more sieve-like by the day, WP rounds were the heaviest 60mm rounds, so we most frequently used them as the first rounds fired, to set our base plates firmly in the soil.  They also make pretty cool mushroom clouds, like micro nukes.

    WP is the only smoke rounds we have, right?


  4. 54 minutes ago, Da Fino said:



    Coincidently, A buddy sent me this today probably from facebook or reddit. I don't know enough about AR's other than owning a couple, but the story about leftovers from Afghanistan sure read like bullshit to me.  


    The Russians, Chinese, Pakistanis, and Iranians all make AR clones.

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  5. 38 minutes ago, Scheiss Meister said:

    White phosphorus is packed into mortar and artillery rounds to be scattered over a target area to ignite canvas, wood, and other flammable materials used by the enemy.  This definition includes uniforms.

    It's primary use is as a smoke round IIRC, though it is obviously useful as a destructive round.


    The FBI suspected an employee of the Russian Orthodox Church of recruiting agents for Russian intelligence services in the United States The US Federal Bureau of Investigation suspected Dmitry Petrovsky, an employee of the Moscow Patriarchate's Department of External Church Relations, of working for Russian intelligence. The FBI believes that Petrovsky, under the cover of the Russian Orthodox Church, was engaged in recruiting agents for Russian intelligence services among priests and parishioners of the Russian Orthodox Church and other Orthodox churches in the United States. In May 2021, Petrovsky was searched upon entering the United States. Files related to Russian intelligence were found on his computer. Among the documents found were dossiers on well-known Orthodox priests in the US with details of biographies of their family members. The FBI believed that such information was necessary for Petrovsky to blackmail these people during the recruitment process. One of the files found was marked "confidential." The FBI cited it in full in its warning. Thus, according to the agency, this document contained a description of the areas of cooperation between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian special services - SVR, GRU and FSB.



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