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Posts posted by MagicSoccerSpray

  1. On 9/11/2020 at 12:32 AM, GottaB said:


    I got a flat tonight. It sucked. I’ve had flats before and I’ve changed a flat in the roadside before.


    I had a 4 way tire iron which made removing the lugs easy. The problem: the Honda supplied scissor jack sucked ass. It took to long to raise, it sunk into the ground. And my the jack worked it’s way out while using the tire iron twisting motion to raise the jack a little higher after the tire was off sending my car to the ground.


    What do you have in your car that you feel is a must have for easier emergency management.


    I already had:

    Fixaflat: it was a gash.

    Tire repair kit: useless in this scenario.

    Inflator: again useless here.


    Flashlight: going to get a headlamp to help.


    Blanket: grass was wet, this helped. Going to get a waterproof tarp to put under blanket in the event of wet grass next time.


    Crappy scissor jack: thinking of getting a pneumatic lift or a bottle jack. Also going to keep a metal plate to put under the jack in case I am on soft turf again.


    Gloves: great call on this as that jack was a bitch on the hands.


    Water: could have been an issue if I were further out of town.


    Map: I had this.


    Rain coat: came in handy to block the wind.



    Perhaps stack floor mats underneath if there is no other choice. Also carry headlamp, knee pads, jumpers, and small basic toolkit. As was mentioned in the thread, make sure factory jack is placed in recommended spots so it doesn't slip out. Carry cheap OBD bluetooth code reader and associated phone software (torque) at all times.


    1 hour ago, Updawg said:

    Seems like whenever my batteries die- they die all of a sudden. Usually at the beginning of summer every 3 years. What should I notice to warn me?

    How do you service your battery’s every few months?


    That usually happens when it starts to get cold in the fall.


    • Fuck You 1
  2. 5 hours ago, billfromlaketravis said:

    The Hangover while a great movie, did a lot of harm to NBC sitcoms. The movie was so huge it convinced The Office writers to shove Ed Helms down our throats, and for Ken Jeong to take over Community. 

    Jeong was poorly written. Once they wrote him as a real human being, he was fine. Watch the Karate Kid episode (s06E04) for proof. Community is one of my favorite series ever, but it is not above making mistakes, and poorly writing Ken Jeong and not having more John Oliver were definitely mistakes. Still love it though.

    • Fuck You 1
  3. On 9/8/2020 at 8:04 PM, HornReject said:

    Man he was so great remember in the Rose Bowl and he ran that play. Too bad he is a criminal now we don't need those associated with the school

    Handle checks out

    • Fuck You 1
  4. 20 hours ago, Brothahorn said:


    Didn’t know he was a pilot. Wasn’t he like 6’5?


    20 hours ago, Dennis Taylor said:

    Worked ok for Chad Hennings


    They put him in the only cockpit he would fit in.


    • Fuck You 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Elmer_Fudd said:

    Surprised not to see Marcus Washington on the 2 deep.  That's a legit 2 deep DL.


    2 hours ago, LTtxfan said:

    Agree... I have high hopes for MW this season.  Hope he plays well vs UTEP...


    He's injured enough where they are sitting him supposedly.

    • Fuck You 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Llogg said:

    I don't understand the need to shit on the guy at all. He played well for the university. He moved on when he had the opportunity to make a good living. Even practice squad players are making more than he would have as a regular joe. $8-12k/wk ain't nothing to laugh at.

    How is telling the truth shitting on the guy?

    • Fuck You 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Casual Encounter said:

    You are that dense. I didn’t say I agree, but I can understand and respect his decision. We also don’t know what other precautions he’s taking, but you’re free to make all the assumptions you want. By the way, support isn’t just about personal impact but setting an example. Maybe she doesn’t think sporting events should be taking place.

    If you look around you’ll see I strongly believe players are better off in the program. Go be ignorant somewhere else.

    Sure, I'm the one who is ignorant and making assumptions. Unless he is particularly vulnerable (eg; sickle-cell) and intends on caving up till a full proof vaccine exists, your rationalizations on his behalf  is completely illogical.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  8. 12 minutes ago, Casual Encounter said:

    You’re not really that dense, are you?

    Let’s pretend for a moment that there’s a pandemic. That pandemic has the potential to overwhelm a certain profession, constantly exposing them to potential illness, and causing the death clients/colleagues. If you are a family member of someone in that profession, you can support them by doing everything in your power to slow the spread of the disease.

    By leaving an enclosed group that is tested three times a week with full medical surveillance with plans to monitor quarantine safely if positive, to mixing with a 40k+ student body that practices mitigation less well than the population at large? Are you that dense? If he is trying to stop the spread, he is doing it wrong. Go virtue signal somewhere else.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  9. On 5/23/2019 at 9:18 AM, Jerry Callo said:

    I got the driver's seat done in my suburban this last year.  Didn't need to redo the entire seat, just the bottom and the side closest to the door.  The original seat had leather on the some of the seat and fake leather on the sides.  I opted to replace the new panels with the matching fake leather.  I was out the door for $175 with new padding.  My guy is north of Georgetown in Weir.

    Do you have a name and or number? I need the leather driver's seat redone in a 2000 Silverado. Thanks

    • Fuck You 1
  10. On 8/31/2020 at 6:45 PM, hornfromdallas said:

    the nil/leverage push for texas is great & all but it becomes redundant when u refuse to use bagmen because ur pretentious 

    sec schools will mix nil with bags of money 

      Reveal hidden contents

    i know of 2 players on the current ut team who were offered life changing money from sec schools

    & they wouldve went there to if it werent for being ut legacies 



    Broughton and Sterns?


    On 9/1/2020 at 10:21 PM, markstanco said:
    On 9/1/2020 at 10:04 PM, Lone Star Horn said:
    for the page,
    FUCK the brocks

    Is there absolutely zero chance going forward for them? Did they burn bridges? No idea, I just keep hearing this.


    If Herman is still the coach and Blake is still the father, then I'd guess no.



    • Fuck You 1
  11. 21 hours ago, texifornia said:

    Some guys actually have covid reasons to stay home - Willie Tyler's mom being a nurse and him wanting to support her is a good example

    Is she staying in the dorms and going to practice? Is he living with her?

    17 hours ago, longhornmatt said:

    Bimage opted out prior to the NCAA announcing everyone gets an extra year of eligibility even if they play this year.   At the time it could have been a strategic opt out, but after that ruling, there is really no advantage unless you are trying to avoid Covid or injury.

    Or perhaps they're taking a free year of school on the states dime and plan on transferring or quitting next year. It's still weird in Bimage's case because he was in the two-deep and slated for real snaps. Sitting out a year forsaking reps, practice, and weights doesn't make sense if he plans on coming back and starting next year. I'd bet he quits or transfers. Very odd and disappointing regardless.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  12. 6 hours ago, MagicSoccerSpray said:

    Ketch is such a little bitch. Dictionary definition of a man raised by a woman.

    Found the sock

    2 hours ago, Junior Bonner said:

    Vince Young was raised by a woman.Three of them, actually. 

    Lots of men are raised by women, do they all act like little bitches? Did Vince Young act like a little bitch? No

    • Fuck You 3
  13. On 8/25/2020 at 11:17 AM, Bevo said:

    Literally, there could be tons of reasons that could cause him to be a conscientious objector.

    He was going to be a doctor, literally one of the only jobs in the military where you help people heal instead of help kill them. What is he objecting to? This screams dumb ideology, and the fact he is sideways with his (military) family is another red flag. Has he told you specifics as to his reasoning why he flaked out? It seems there are large chunks missing as to his thought process, if there was any. If you won't miss the cash, sure, roll the dice, but it seems like a gamble with bad odds. Good luck.

    • Fuck You 1
  14. On 8/26/2020 at 5:51 PM, Knoxtnhorn said:

    This is the first time I've had a check engine light come on on 10 years.  I seem to recall on one of the old sites that taking it to Autozone, O'Reilly, etal was a pointless endeavor.  I'd like to have an idea as to what's going on before taking it to a mechanic because I don't have one that I know well in this area yet.


    On 8/27/2020 at 8:41 AM, kevwun said:

    Yeah, they are cheap and very useful.  Mine was $50 and it will reset codes.


    Read the quoted post below, he is absolutely right.


    On 8/27/2020 at 12:02 PM, RPM said:

    You don't want a dedicated scanner tool. You want an OBD2 bluetooth dongle and the Torque app. Leave the dongle plugged in and check everything from your phone, erase codes, use it as a heads up display on the windshield. All kinds of cool stuff.


    I've had this version for about 5 years and it was money well spent. I use Torque on an Android too and it's great.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  15. 7 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Don't count out Alison Brie - she's building up a helluva resume, going back to Mad Men.


    Still cannot believe Marvel picked the wrong Brie for Captain Marvel. Brie Larson is a good actress, but Alison Brie would have truly killed it in that role. Big miss imo. Fyi Larson is in Community episodes 4-8, 5-6, 5-9,  where she plays Abed's girlfriend/interest.

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  16. 3 hours ago, The_Amazing_Mister_X said:

    How about this? I have heard it's pretty much a coin toss between UT and Bama. Rather be at UT. Bama more receptive to working him at SDE


    3 hours ago, Hank_Hill said:

    Give me Turner over Tunmise. Would take both I guess.


    re; Tunmise


    • Fuck You 1
  17. 6 hours ago, BrazilHorn said:

    The "This is important" said in what seems to be a sarcastic manner. Just see that as not the way to frame the importance of either a day in support of NBA etc or CV19. If it is just a pool party at Coach Herman's house then sure, either of the two cases I mention I see it as a little insulting.


    • Hook 'Em 3
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  18. On 8/22/2020 at 2:28 PM, Bevo said:

    He was somewhat concerned about being deployed but was more concerned about having to shoot someone. As a doctor, I think the odds of that happening would be close to zero, but he said he couldn't do it. That it was immoral...


    He sounds like he's full of shit and a moron.  My advice is not to screw with the government as once you're on their radar it is almost impossible to get off even if you do everything above board.

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