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Everything posted by MagicSoccerSpray

  1. You have a child's mentality. Interventions create Blowback? You don't say. So America is not supposed to look out for it's interests because it makes bleeding hearts cry? We should look the other way when Iran, China, and Russia make the world burn because it offends it's less aware and childish citizens? How is that realistic? It's not.
  2. Oh look, another child who can't countenance having an actual discussion.
  3. Misplaced you say? I'm surprised you're surprised.
  4. Are you asking like you don't already know the answer? Just be happy that moving forward we won't have much of reason to be involved in the ME... except for maybe giving money and cover to the worst terrorist regime of the past half century (Iran for the childish morons). You have the logic of a child. Name one country, now or in human history, that hasn't involved themselves in others affairs to advance their interests. The real world is tough son.
  5. Obama's. Which administration has done it's best to not expand America's military footprint across globe. *Not that I agree with that* (for the children who can't grasp it) Is the picture of American munitions supposed to dissuade me? Do you realize the Houthis have withheld food aid to their own people and have extorted aid groups to make sure they control it's distribution? Not that that would matter to someone of your logic.
  6. I like those actors but "Down Periscope" was better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_Mx1kA3irk
  7. I laughed my ass off when one of his members named himself "Geoff Dolezal"
  8. The Houthis are controlled by Iran and have continually tried to sink neutral shipping in the Red sea and have bombed cities full of civilians in their own country as well as Saudi Arabia. But throw one picture up of a starving child and we're the bad guys. Real great logic there. *News Flash* war sucks guys. Under who's administration do you think the Saudis started their intervention?
  9. Yep! Chumps Rusty Bucket? Quarter Taps! Are you guys drunk? Good luck proving it before we're not!
  10. Haha! Cackowski was great. The school board bros were great as well. So many good characters in this show.
  11. Great 80s flick. Fiorentino was quite fetching in Men in Black as well. Great John Hughes flick with a super hot and young Jennifer Connelly in a tight shirt, Frank Whaley Jr, John Candy, Dermot Mulroney, and William Forsythe. Loved this too. Andrew McCarthy, hot Kim Cattrall, James Spader, and GW Bailey. The soundtrack was very 80s good too.
  12. If you purposefully spend any time on that board, then you are circle-jerking.
  13. Damn, beat me to it! Great 80s flick and Fiorentino was smoke. Quaid, Cassevetes, Sheen, Ozzy Osbourne and cool 80s cars. Love it! The great Dabney Coleman and one of the best and most unappreciated car chases in movie history imo. Great flick Loaded. Goldie Hawn, Woody Harrelson, Wesley Snipes, Mykelti Williamson, Nipsy Russell, Bruce McGill, Swoozy Kurtz, and M Emmet Walsh. Hilarious and great football flick.
  14. It's a cess pit of circle-jerking assholes
  15. Loyal forever. 96 (kinda)
  16. The CR is fucking horrible, I still don't understand why they haven't nerfed rep given there or instituted some sort of counter that puts a poster in timeout for only/majority posting there. Aside from that, I like the majority of posters and the irreverence. Great place that I've been a part of since the start, though sometimes I'll go lurker for years at a time.
  17. Tarrytown on Exposition I think. By the strip center owned by the crazy that doesn't allow the tenants to sell anything with meat. Psycho.
  18. Take the bumper off and use hot water to get the plastic warm. Then you should be able to pop it out from the back with your hands or a correctly sized implement. There might be an indication where the dent was, but it's better than eating a deductible and having the claim show up on your insurance.
  19. I know, I watched the show and have read plenty about Guadalcanal. The way he was written in the show came off poorly imo, though I'll assume he was not that way in rl. College or not, his character was the least compelling and interesting to me compared to Sledge or Basilone. Maybe it was James Badge Dale as I wasn't a big fan in Rubicon either.
  20. Leckie was the worst character imo. Totally whiny college boy, at least Sledge was tolerable.
  21. The "entire country"? AO was for clearing overgrowth and cover from roads to make ambushes harder.
  22. This episode was much better after the frogs. Still can't get over the killing off of Werner Herzog's character.
  23. Another vote for The Name of the Rose and Rising Sun
  24. Coburn Ossai
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