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Everything posted by MagicSoccerSpray

  1. I don't watch Hannity, but I have watched Biden stumble a couple of times on a canned speech given from his basement and read from a teleprompter. I did see he gave his acceptance speech at the convention decently, but getting drugged up for an hour of public exposure is not unheard of in political circles and has knowingly happened for almost a century. Being president is a full time job that is extremely stressful and has visually affected much younger men than him. Has he addressed any of the rumors? Can Kamala Harris be counted on to rule fairly and competently if cannot finish a term? At age 78 most American men are getting their car keys taken away, and this guy is about to win the US election. It is a serious concern.
  2. Does Biden not suffer from it? He's almost 78. Is he supposed to "out politic" his guests? Listened to his recent Ron White episode and it was great. They talked about Rogan moving to Austin and White (already lives here) was trying to get him to open a comedy club, which he just recently announced he would. It was really surreal hearing them talk about my hometown and it's neighborhoods so openly. Good show.
  3. Guard. We don't need more guards.
  4. She was in Community and Alison Brie was still better.
  5. Perhaps stack floor mats underneath if there is no other choice. Also carry headlamp, knee pads, jumpers, and small basic toolkit. As was mentioned in the thread, make sure factory jack is placed in recommended spots so it doesn't slip out. Carry cheap OBD bluetooth code reader and associated phone software (torque) at all times. That usually happens when it starts to get cold in the fall.
  6. More attractive? lol. You're wrong about both points regardless.
  7. Jeong was poorly written. Once they wrote him as a real human being, he was fine. Watch the Karate Kid episode (s06E04) for proof. Community is one of my favorite series ever, but it is not above making mistakes, and poorly writing Ken Jeong and not having more John Oliver were definitely mistakes. Still love it though.
  8. Handle checks out
  9. They put him in the only cockpit he would fit in.
  10. He's injured enough where they are sitting him supposedly.
  11. How is telling the truth shitting on the guy?
  12. Sure, I'm the one who is ignorant and making assumptions. Unless he is particularly vulnerable (eg; sickle-cell) and intends on caving up till a full proof vaccine exists, your rationalizations on his behalf is completely illogical.
  13. By leaving an enclosed group that is tested three times a week with full medical surveillance with plans to monitor quarantine safely if positive, to mixing with a 40k+ student body that practices mitigation less well than the population at large? Are you that dense? If he is trying to stop the spread, he is doing it wrong. Go virtue signal somewhere else.
  14. Do you have a name and or number? I need the leather driver's seat redone in a 2000 Silverado. Thanks
  15. Broughton and Sterns? Is there absolutely zero chance going forward for them? Did they burn bridges? No idea, I just keep hearing this. If Herman is still the coach and Blake is still the father, then I'd guess no.
  16. Is she staying in the dorms and going to practice? Is he living with her? Or perhaps they're taking a free year of school on the states dime and plan on transferring or quitting next year. It's still weird in Bimage's case because he was in the two-deep and slated for real snaps. Sitting out a year forsaking reps, practice, and weights doesn't make sense if he plans on coming back and starting next year. I'd bet he quits or transfers. Very odd and disappointing regardless.
  17. Found the sock Lots of men are raised by women, do they all act like little bitches? Did Vince Young act like a little bitch? No
  18. Ketch is such a little bitch. Dictionary definition of a man raised by a woman.
  19. He was going to be a doctor, literally one of the only jobs in the military where you help people heal instead of help kill them. What is he objecting to? This screams dumb ideology, and the fact he is sideways with his (military) family is another red flag. Has he told you specifics as to his reasoning why he flaked out? It seems there are large chunks missing as to his thought process, if there was any. If you won't miss the cash, sure, roll the dice, but it seems like a gamble with bad odds. Good luck.
  20. Read the quoted post below, he is absolutely right. I've had this version for about 5 years and it was money well spent. I use Torque on an Android too and it's great.
  21. Still cannot believe Marvel picked the wrong Brie for Captain Marvel. Brie Larson is a good actress, but Alison Brie would have truly killed it in that role. Big miss imo. Fyi Larson is in Community episodes 4-8, 5-6, 5-9, where she plays Abed's girlfriend/interest.
  22. No, just flakiness. The staff seems unsure of the room since they keep pursuing transfers, so I would guess during the season we'll see why.
  23. re; Tunmise Do.Not.Want.
  24. Wow! I hope they get it turned around.
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