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Everything posted by MagicSoccerSpray

  1. It's a 7 minute video. Watch it at 1.25x or 1.5x if your adhd can't handle that.
  2. He was never popularly elected, and he was backed by communists and socialists.
  3. https://www.dailywire.com/news/idf-releases-photos-video-showing-how-hezbollah-hides-missiles-on-launchers-inside-homes
  4. Oh look, some more CR turds got squeezed out and decided to pollute other parts of the site. Here is the link, I suggest you use it:
  5. Fantana'd! Good job Cloak Room-ing a perfectly good thread... again. You truly are one of the worst posters on this board. Unless you can meaningfully contribute to this thread by posting informational links, or can make insightful commentary that doesn't include sucking terrorist dick, I suggest you slink back to the CR, where you ilk and commentary are actually expected, tolerated , and acceptable. Here's the link, please use it:
  6. https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2024-poker-bots-artificial-intelligence-russia/ https://archive.ph/sfqrl For me, this confirms my suspicions about online poker. Thanks God for live poker in Texas, as there is little reason to play online now.
  7. https://carnegieendowment.org/research/2024/09/russian-military-reconstitution-2030-pathways-and-prospects?lang=en
  8. I don't know, though history has shown time after time that UN agencies are often thoroughly penetrated by local terrorist orgs.
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