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  1. Reading this thread really resonated with me. I’ve been on the purchasing side of enterprise SaaS many times and know firsthand how frustrating it is to deal with exploitative contracts and sales reps who act like they're doing you a favor while bleeding you dry. The ones who only check in once a year at renewal time, asking, "How has your experience been?" but really meaning, "It's time to increase your minimum spend so I can get a bigger commission," drive me nuts. Then they claim the contract terms are out of their control... @blacklab, your experience with the $1K to $20K monthly minimum jump and those AI-themed slideshow meetings sounds all too familiar. If anyone wants to chat about their setup or about slashing their bill, I’m Shehab, co-founder of LakeSail (https://github.com/lakehq/sail). Feel free to reach out at shehab@lakesail.com if that's easier.
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