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Everything posted by Ketch22

  1. I realized that quickly when the same idiots kept negging only me. Funny they thought they were arguing with Ketchum when there was never any self-aggrandizing push to his X posts or podcasts. Even better, he chose Catch-22 for his username, the epitome of institutional bullshit that he engenders. I kept pushing Miller's record vs Smart to see if someone would stan for Shaka. I crossed that off my bingo card, with a bonus chorus of 'We don't talk about Shaka'. Then I got tired of the moving goal posts between 'well who would you pick' and 'why do you keep picking Donovan and Hurley'. Most people shared additional names, which were all quickly dispatched as impossible, to the point of 'well he lied worse than Miller!' At the same time people are spinning that Miller is the best choice for us. Miller basically became a catch-22...he is the only coach we could attract, but he's the best coach there is! He has been hired. I'll hit the hopium that has been pushed so hard on this thread and go back to lurking.
  2. I have people arguing with me over Miller's 2-6 record vs. Shaka! The results are fucking on ESPN.com! But hey, Miller has the heart of a 40 year old!
  3. McCasland, Lloyd and Otz...sorry, I didn't realize you needed a primer. None of them have an unbreakable vow with their current employer so they are realistic options until CDC tells what his criteria and limits were. I understand that Otz has a family situation that makes him unlikely, but I haven't read in the press or heard him specifically say he passed on our offer.
  4. Who wasn't? We don't know who CDC made offers to.
  5. Damn. I brought up his record against Smart as part of his lack of success for all but 1 of his last 6 seasons. Not only has he largely been mediocre for 6 years, he also consistently struggled against a guy we all know was king of inconsistency.
  6. I had Wade as a toss in with cheating in his past, both he and Miller shouldn't have been targets for that reason. Wade didn't beat his girlfriend or cover up murder or rape. Hell, he was at LSU. It wouldn't surprise me if he went off because he was made the fall guy when the whole institution is corrupt to the core.
  7. Sure, but I believe Miller is our first major men's sport coach to be previously fired for cheating. If we are forgiving past transgressions, Wade has much more upside with only a little more risk.
  8. Isn't NIL still greatly restricted for international students? When he was good Miller was relying on foreign talent. Will Wade overreacted for a similar offense that is no longer an offense. Was he even 40 when it happened?
  9. Everyone who is negging me for pointing out his record against Smart seems to be fluffing Miller. We had 6 years of Smart's incompetence and we have almost 40 pages documenting his continued incompetence in Milwaukee. Why is the fact about Miller's poor record against Smart such a sore spot? As for options other than Miller, I would have been happy with any of the younger Big 12 guys. If we are taking a chance on guys with sketchy pasts I would have preferred Wade and his more recent, more consistent success. Royal Ivey would have been more exciting.
  10. The Miller pumpers demand facts if you don't like the hire. You give facts and they tell you it's merely a 'take'!
  11. I think I got too clever with my user name. There's some hungry bastards who don't want the competition at the feedbag.
  12. Is there any Intel on the hiring process? Sounds like no one wanted to step up for buyouts.
  13. Sark at least mentored under Saban and won a title there. Miller ran back to Xavier and regularly got beat by Shaka Smart.
  14. Outside of Sark, RT, and now Miller, his other hires have been consensus Top 10 coaches in their sport. I'll give him props on sussing out Sark...RT was a failure.
  15. He has definitely aimed higher on all the other hires he made without strong outside feedback (football). I guess RT was also made with outside pressure but I thought that was more PR than $$$ weighing in. I would have rather we spent upfront for any of the younger Big 12 guys.
  16. So long as football wins CDC is safe. How long are they going to throw money at a guy who can't beat Shaka Smart? Doesn't seem like a hire that warrants a grace period.
  17. Is this really the hire that excites our money to get on board? He better win big quick.
  18. Canary in the coalmine: Miller is 2 and 6 vs. Shaka Smart in the BE 2 neutral site losses in their tournament. Pitino lost both to Marquette last year but swept their 3 meetings this season. Pitino 3-1 vs Miller.
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