I realized that quickly when the same idiots kept negging only me. Funny they thought they were arguing with Ketchum when there was never any self-aggrandizing push to his X posts or podcasts. Even better, he chose Catch-22 for his username, the epitome of institutional bullshit that he engenders.
I kept pushing Miller's record vs Smart to see if someone would stan for Shaka. I crossed that off my bingo card, with a bonus chorus of 'We don't talk about Shaka'.
Then I got tired of the moving goal posts between 'well who would you pick' and 'why do you keep picking Donovan and Hurley'. Most people shared additional names, which were all quickly dispatched as impossible, to the point of 'well he lied worse than Miller!' At the same time people are spinning that Miller is the best choice for us. Miller basically became a catch-22...he is the only coach we could attract, but he's the best coach there is!
He has been hired. I'll hit the hopium that has been pushed so hard on this thread and go back to lurking.