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Everything posted by Shaddie

  1. Good: Will get on lake later this week and hopefully restock on crappie Bad: Spend time with wife.
  2. Usually small volume medical is done in states at certified sites for board assembly. I visit these places every week. Still doesn’t mean much if you can’t get individual components.
  3. Wife knows I get pissy if haircut isn’t every 4 weeks. Looks like the dog shears for me next week.
  4. Heard that a Portland strip club “employees” started a food delivery service. Boober Eats.
  5. Just got it and had a couple of small hiccups but not too bad.
  6. Sent in online order to Hutchins in McKinney for pick up lunch today. Told the wife (no pics) be prepared for a shit show getting it. She thinks it will just work real easy.
  7. Just woke up. Email from California office says Cali governor announced stay home lockdown. Effective midnight.
  8. Loved the encore part for the 1 fan. He still shows up and says hi. Funny story.
  9. Damn. Love Los Lobos. Didn’t know they still played. Never seen them live. May have to check their tour schedule and go see them.
  10. Hope I can download and watch it plane tomorrow. Used to own all vinyl pre Eliminater days. One of my faves ever.
  11. Eagles Saturday night at ACC.. Damn good show. I thought Henley’s voice cracked a few times. Could have been arena sound also. Vince does good on his Frey songs. Deacon was OK but I thought a little “nasely” 1st time seeing them and loved it. Just my opinion but think this is Henley’s last go. His voice just can’t hold up much any more. Hell if I can even talk at 72 that will be a win.
  12. Please show us 1 rumor of this. 1 Uber driver behind 7-11 that heard this. Some pool boy working that heard this. Just some rumor other than fucking idiots on here making a declarative statement that other idiots take as gospel. And NO, ctj does not count.
  13. Sounds like a dude that knows your product is not good enough. I like him already. Sorry/not sorry
  14. Really? Please show any place other than Surly where the money men are up in arms. Jesus some of you probably believe we didn’t land on the moon and 10000 people can keep a secret.
  15. I swear to god I wish someone could point to 1 iota of this being true. I know some of you “wish” this but has anybody in power or money even hinted this? None of us on this shittastic site have 1 fucking clue about this. We haven’t been great but goddamn we are a shit load better than Charlie. If he goes 5-7 next year a decent chance he is gone. Goes 7-5, I seriously doubt CDC or money men will do a fucking thing.
  16. J-lo’s halftime show sucks but at least I watched a few minutes of her Oscar winning performance in Anaconda this afternoon. RIVETING.
  17. Shit I ain’t been to Yellow Rose in 20 years but I bet you can get same looks there. Damn I’m old.
  18. Vikings receiver pushed off Saints db. Pretty obvious that time too but pussy ass ref didn’t call it. You have extend your arm and slow down other persons momentum it is a PI EVERY fucking time.
  19. Correct call. Jesus how can people not see that. He gained advantage.
  20. Not sure I agree with you Asithappens. It’s not really a taste it is more of a smoothness. For mixed drinks, sure not a lot of difference but I personally prefer good vodka on the rocks and For vodka martini it damn sure makes a difference.
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