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Everything posted by Shaddie

  1. I am sorry but this political stuff is bullshit. Everybody knows in the state of Texas you become an aggy because we have seen the quality of politicians they put out. They will vote you no matter how stupid you are.
  2. Having lost a few to cancer nothing is worse. Weathertech CEO is having Super Bowl ad featuring his dog and vet that saved it from cancer.
  3. Hahahaha. Just saw Dan on Austin news station dressed in his uniform. Funny stuff.
  4. The writing for Jessie got increasingly better once they decided not to kill him off in the first season. Talk about a decision that changed the entire story - that constant tension between he and Walt is what made the show great. Yes it did. However I guess I wasn’t clear. I meant Saul as a great 3rd character for BB. That is a guy we would love to be but most of us don’t have the balls to be.
  5. Binged that 5-6 months ago and really enjoyed it.
  6. I might get some shit for this but still ranks as one of the (imho) worst casting jobs ever John Travolta as Bud. “Well that depends on what you think a real cowboy is.” Sweater god I can still hear Brooklyn in there.
  7. Was watching BB season 2 last night. So Jesse and Walt are at the “office” of Saul in Jesse’s POS car talking about needing a lawyer for badger. Jesse: You don’t need a criminal lawyer, you need a CRIMINAL lawyer. Love the character.
  8. Don Henley for me. IMHO 2nd best rock voice ever behind Mercury.
  9. Hotel dinner. Low(er) carb since I had oxtail pho for lunch. Salami heated in micro with cheese spread. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. All kidding aside, depending on your kids age, I would do half day trips and spend rest of day on beach if they like that stuff. Then after dinner you and wife can sit outside and enjoy the weather and the quite. Took me many years but I finally realized the best trips are when planned activity is kept to a minimum.
  11. Maybe slow down on my drinking.
  12. Ernest Dont go crazy on booking tours. Not sure how long you will be there but your wife may want to go on a spice farm tour. My best times are sitting on the porch drinking, relaxing and drinking. For eating, El Avion is touristy as fuck but still serves a good rare tuna steak. Cool history also if your old enough to remember Ollie North. Did I mention drinking? Can’t remember.
  13. So who did KM learn from? JG. This is exactly the reason I don’t want him as OC. The only hope is McCarthy is the one really in control of offense.
  14. Jesus Christ some of you need to take a reading comprehension course. Go back read very slowly my post. I never said or implied D or ST were good or even avg. The conversation is KM a good OC. I say no. If somebody says DC or ST is good we can argue that. I won’t say that cause I don’t believe either of those things.
  15. I will spell slowly so you can understand. Supposedly Moore had a lot of autonomy as OC. The offense wasn’t good. You brought up D.
  16. Damn. My memory is going. I don’t remember saying anything about D. I will have to go back reread my post.
  17. Moore is not a good choice “yet”. During the firing of JG he told Jerrah a lot of the issues on O were that Moore was given autonomy on it. Not sure if that is true or not but knowing idiot Jerrah it would not surprise me.
  18. Damn. That might look worse than De Niro beating that schmuck in Irishman.
  19. Nothing better than a double Tito’s with a couple ice cubes and a big squeeze of lime.
  20. Actual football knowledge is extremely discouraged on this site. Neg for you. NOT.
  21. Can any of you fuckers name 1 lb, rb, ol, coach on LSU this year? You can’t. HC, DC, OC are what matters. I wish I was an orthopedic surgeon and I could retire with the hand wringing going on here.
  22. Godamn you are a bitch. Just admit MN got the calls at crucial times and NO didn’t. I have already said I am not a fan of NO. Dez had a catch and I am still pissed about that. just fucking admit you were lucky.
  23. Ok. 35 yds https://www.google.com/amp/s/thespun.com/nfl/saints-vikings-blindside-block-jt-gray-controversial-call-playoffs-drew-brees/amp%3ffbclid=IwAR23ApjyWZODQikx46MKrwFqcxyg1gK4pgv0as9SvT83SDz4y-X2zE25MNM But shit, what’s 35 yds among friends in a close game. Can someone explain what “blind” means. NFL has me confused on definition. 🤔
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